Using QUnit with Razor Layouts

Given how central JavaScript is to many modern web applications,  it is important to use unit tests to drive the design and quality of that JavaScript. But I’ve noticed that there are a lot of developers that don’t know where to start.

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Hello GitHub!

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New Deployed!

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So my last day at Microsoft ended up being a very long one as the NuGet team worked late into the evening to deployan updated version of I’m very happy to be a part of this as my last act as a Microsoft employee. This is complete re-write of the gallery.

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Last Day at Microsoft

Well, as I wrote before, today is my last day at Microsoft. Last night we had our office Holiday party in the observation deck and lounge of the Space Needle. The party was just fantastic and we were lucky to have a nice clear evening with spectacular views. What a great way to go!

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It’s not every day you write this sort of blog post. And you hope it’s not something you do so often that you ever get good at it. I’m certainly sucking up a storm here.

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Razor Donut Caching

Donut caching, the ability to cache an entire page except for a small region of the page (or set of regions) has been conspicuously absent from ASP.NET MVC since version 2.

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Musings On Software Community

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While attending Oredev 2011, I had an interesting conversation with Corey Haines about his perception of the Ruby community as compared to the .NET community.

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Specs for

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Once in a while folks ask me for details about the hardware and software that hosts my blog. Rather than write about it, a photo can provide all the details that you need.

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It Came From the Blue Lagoon

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As I mentioned in my last post, I have an overnight stopover in Reykjavik Iceland. After checking into my hotel at an ungodly early hour (which ended up being really late for me Seattle time), my first order of business was to head over to the Blue Lagoon.

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Beer-Up in Reykjavik, Iceland

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If you’re in the Reykjavik area on November 7th, come join me for a beer-up. A Beer-Up is basically a meet-up, but with lots of beer!

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Update NuGet Docs in the Browser with Github

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We made a recent change to make it easy to update the NuGet documentation. In this post, I’ll cover what the change was, why we made it, and how it makes it easier to contribute to our documentation.

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SemVer, NuGet, and Nightly Builds

Recently, a group of covert ninjas within my organization started to investigate what it would take to change our internal build and continuous integration systems (CI) to take advantage of NuGet for many of our products, and I need your input!

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Implementing an Authorization Attribute for WCF Web API

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If you’re not familiar with WCF Web API, it’s a framework with nice HTTP abstractions used to expose simple HTTP services over the web. Its focus is targeted at applications that provide HTTP services for various clients such as mobile devices, browsers, desktop applications.

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The Dangers of Implementing Recurring Background Tasks In ASP.NET

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I like to live life on the wild side. No, I don’t base jump off of buildings or invest in speculative tranches made up of junk stock derivatives. What I do is attempt to run recurring background tasks within an ASP.NET application.

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Four Years At Microsoft

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Today, October 15 2011, marks four years of being a Microsoft employee for me. As such, it’s time for a little introspection, but in many ways, Tim Heuer already introspected for me. Much of what he writes echoes my own experience, thus leaving me with less to write about. Smile

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Preventing CSRF With Ajax

A long while ago I wrote about the potential dangers of Cross-site Request Forgery attacks, also known as CSRF or XSRF. These exploits are a form of confused deputy attack.

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Prevent Forms Authentication Login Page Redirect When You Don't Want It

redirect Go that way instead - Photo by JacobEnos CC some rights reserved

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Writing a Recipe for ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview

NOTE: This blog post covers features in a pre-release product, ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview. You’ll see we call out those two words a lot to cover our butt. The specifics about the feature will change  and this post will become out-dated. You’ve been warned.

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ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview Released

Today, during his //BUILD keynote, Scott Guthrie announced the availability of ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer preview. Note those words, developer preview. This is not even a Beta release. But there sure is a lot of cool stuff inside.

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I’m Speaking at //BUILD!

BUILD-speaker-blingIf you’re at the BUILD conference in Anaheim, I’ll be speaking in two sessions on Thursday.

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