Random Friday: On Turning Four
No, I’m not talking about my mental age.
Read MoreCreating a Custom ASP.NET MVC Project Template
UPDATE: I have an example Really Empty project template up on GitHub you can look at. I improved on this technique a bit in that one.
Read MoreRandom Friday: My Accomplishments
It’s that time of year at Microsoft when managers are busily preparing reviews of their reports and preparing for the big stack ranking.
Read MoreDependency Injection With ASP.NET HttpModules
At the risk of getting punched in the face by my friend Miguel, I’m not afraid to admit I’m a fan of responsible use of dependency injection. However, for many folks, attempting to use DI runs into a roadblock when it comes to ASP.NET HttpModule.
Read MoreRandom Thought Friday
I’m reading through the archives of a blog where the author posts something random every Friday (yesterday was Thursday, and tomorrow is Saturday). His Friday posts are completely unrelated to the main theme and content of his blog.
Read MoreBin Deploying ASP.NET MVC 3
When you build an ASP.NET MVC 3 application and are ready to deploy it to your hosting provider, there are a set of assemblies you’ll need to include with your application for it to run properly, unless they are already installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on the server.
Read MoreAn Obsessive Compulsive Guide To Source Code Formatting
Most developers I know are pretty anal about the formatting of their
source code. I used to think I was pretty obsessive compulsive about it,
but then I joined Microsoft and faced a whole new level of OCD
(Obsessive Compulsive
For example, many require all using
statements to be sorted and unused
statements to be removed, which was something I never cared much about
in the past.
Making Let Me Bing That For You Open Source
Almost two years ago, I announced the launch of http://letmebingthatforyou.com/, a blatant and obvious rip-off of the Let me Google that for you website.
Read MoreNew NuGet Documentation Site
It’s a common refrain you hear when it comes to documentation for open source projects. It typically sucks! In part, because nobody wants to work on docs. But also in part because good documentation is challenging to write.
Read MoreLocalized Releases of ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update
In April we announced the release of ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update which added Scaffolding, HTML 5 project templates, Modernizr, and EF Code First Magic Unicorn Edition.
Read MoreCompiling MVC Views In A Build Environment
ASP.NET MVC project templates include support for precompiling views, which is useful for finding syntax errors within your views at build time rather than at runtime.
Read MoreSingle Package Version per Solution
Not too long ago, I posted a survey on my blog asking a set of questions meant to gather information that would help the NuGet team make a decision about a rather deep change.
Read MoreThe Secret to NuGet's Success. You!
On a personal level, NuGet has been an immensely satisfying project to work on. I’ve always enjoyed working on open source projects with an active community in my spare time, but being able to do it as part of my day job is really fulfilling.
Read MoreFeedback Request for using NuGet Without Committing Packages
When installing a package into a project, NuGet creates a packages.config file within the project (if it doesn’t already exist) which is an exact record of the packages that are installed in the project. At the same time, a folder for the package is created within the solution level packages folder containing the package and its contents.
Read MoreNuGet 1.3 Released
In continuing our efforts to release early, release often, I’m happy to announce the release of NuGet 1.3!
Read MoreConditional Filters in ASP.NET MVC 3
Say you want to apply an action filter to every action except one. How would you go about it? For example, suppose you want to apply an authorization filter to every action except the action that lets the user login. Seems like a pretty good idea, right?
Read MoreRelease Early, Release Often
Eric S. Raymond in the famous essay, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, states,
Read MoreWriting a NuGet Package That Adds A Command To The PowerShell Console

The Magic 8-ball toy is a toy usually good for maybe one or two laughs before it quickly gets boring. Even so, some have been known to make all their important life/strategic decisions using it, or an equivalent mechanism.
Read MorePresentation Tips Learned From My (Many) Mistakes
One aspect of my job that I love is being able to go in front of other developers, my peers, and give presentations on the technologies that my team and I build. I’m very fortunate to be able to do so, especially given the intense stage fright I used to have.
Read MoreA Look Back at Mix 11
Another Spring approaches and once again, another Mix is over. This year at Mix, my team announced the release of the ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update at Mix, which I blogged about recently.
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