Manipulating Action Method Parameters

During the MVP summit, an attendee asked me for some help with a common scenario common among those building content management systems. He wanted his site to use human friendly URLs.

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ASP.NET MVC 2 Optional URL Parameters

If you have a model object with a property named Id, you may have run into an issue where your model state is invalid when binding to that model even though you don’t have an “Id” field in your form.

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Installing ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 on Visual Studio 2010 RC

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As many of you have probably heard, the release candidate for Visual Studio 2010 was recently released containing immense performance improvements and tons of bug fixes.

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Headed To Austin and Speaking at the .NET User's Group

UPDATE: We moved the date to February 24th.

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ASP.NET MVC 2 RC 2 Released

UPDATE: This blog post is out-of date. We released the RTM of ASP.NET MVC 2 in March 2010. Read about it here.

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Can You Really Measure Customer Satisfaction?

One question that came up recently during my mid-year review is how am I measuring customer satisfaction with the products that I work on? For example, how can I measurably demonstrate that customers are happy with the work we are doing on ASP.NET MVC and that my team is responding to customer feedback?

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Editable Routes

UPDATE: 2011/02/13: This code is now included in the RouteMagic NuGet package! To use this code, simply run Install-Package RouteMagic within the NuGet Package Manager Console.

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Editable Routes Using App_Code

UPDATE: THIS POST IS DEPRECATED!!! I’ve updated the original post for editable routes to work in medium trust and not require a full app domain reload like this approach does. I think that approach may supersede this approach until I learn otherwise. :)

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If You're Graduating Soon, Consider Working For The ASP.NET Team

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This is the second job posting in two days for positions on the ASP.NET team, how exciting! This one is a developer position for upcoming graduates.

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Join My Team And Help Us Produce Higher Quality Products

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The ASP.NET Team is still looking for that QA person out there who shares our passion for technology and improving the means by which software is made.

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Do Not Adjust Your Browser

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This blog is experiencing technical difficulties. Do not adjust your browser.

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Ambiguous Controller Names With Areas

Note: This describes the behavior of ASP.NET MVC 2 as of the release candidate. It’s possible things might change for the RTM.

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Speaking at Mix 10

It’s that time of year again when a young man’s thoughts turn to Las Vegas! Yep, it’s another year and another Mix Conference (March 15-17, 2010), but this time they’ve changed locations to Mandalay Bay.

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Death to confirmation dialogs with jquery.undoable

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Confirmation dialogs were designed by masochists intent on making users of the web miserable. At least that’s how I feel when I run into too many of them. And yes, if you take a look at Subtext, you can see I’m a perpetrator.

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Converting an RGB Color To Hex With JavaScript

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UPDATE: 12/30 I had transposed the rgb colors. I corrected the function.

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jQuery Hide/Close Link

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UPDATE (12/26): I updated this post to use the href instead of the rel attribute

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Merry Christmas

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Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or a Happy whatever you are celebrating at this time of year. I hope you are spending it well with family and friends! :)

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ASP.NET MVC 2 and Visual Studio 2010

When we released ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta back in November, I addressed the issue of support for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.

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ASP.NET MVC 2 RC Released

Paternity leave is not all fun and games. Mostly it’s soothing an irate baby and toddler while dealing with explosive poo episodes. Believe me when I say the term “blow out” is apt. That’s probably not the imagery you were hoping for in a technical blog post, but I think you can handle it. ;)066 What!? It’s already time for an RC?! I think I need to be changed.

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Live Preview jQuery Plugin

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Many web applications (such as this blog) allow users to enter HTML as a comment. For security reasons, the set of allowed tags is tightly constrained by logic running on the server. Because of this, it’s helpful to provide a preview of what the comment will look like as the user is typing the comment.

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