Preflight Checklist

I had a dry run today for an upcoming presentation that did not go quite as well as I would like, though I completely expected this as I was unprepared. The good news is, it was a dry run and not the real thing, so I have plenty of time to adjust.

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NuGet 1.5 Released!

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UPDATE: We found an issue with 1.5 when running behind some proxies that caused an “Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow” exception message and another issue with signed PS1 scripts. We’ve now posted an update (NuGet 1.5.20902.9023) that fixes the issues.

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Calling ASP.NET MVC Action Methods from JavaScript

In a recent blog post, I wrote a a controller inspector to demonstrate Controller and Action Descriptors. In this blog post, I apply that knowledge to build something more useful.

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New Ajax Grid Scaffolding NuGet Package for MVC 3

EDITOR’S NOTE:Microsoft has an amazing intern program. For a summer, these bright college students work with a feature crew getting real work done, all the while attending cool events nearly every week that, frankly, make the rest of us jealous! Just look at some of the perks listed in this news article!

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Dealing with singular plural phrasing

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This is an age old problem and one that’s probably been solved countless times before, but I’m going to write about it anyways.

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Random Friday: Geek Verticals

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Stumbling around the net, I ran into the “funny verticals” meme. These are typically a vertical strip of screenshots pulled from a movie or television with funny captions tacked on.

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Writing an ASP.NET MVC Controller Inspector

99.99999% of the time (yes, I measured it), a controller in ASP.NET MVC is a type, and an action is a method — with reflection as the glue that holds it all together. For most folks, that’s the best way to view how ASP.NET MVC works.

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Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 is available!

I hate code samples in technical books! No seriously, this is bile I’m not afraid to give a permalink to (nor am I afraid to end a sentence with a preposition, so there!).

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Vacation in the San Juan Islands

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A few weeks ago I felt burned out and was in sore need of a vacation. I suggested to my wife that we take the kids somewhere and she sagely noted that taking the kids anywhere at their ages is not a vacation. Perhaps I should go somewhere on my own.

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Text templating using Razor the easy way

As a web guy, I’ve slung more than my fair share of angle brackets over the tubes of the Internet. The Razor syntax quickly became my favorite way of generating those angle brackets soon after its release. But its usefulness is not limited to just the web.

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Model Metadata and Validation Localization using Conventions

By default, ASP.NET MVC leverages Data Annotations to provide validation. The approach is easy to get started with and allows the validation applied on the server to “float” to the client without any extra work.

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ASP.NET MVC 4 Roadmap

It only feels like yesterday that we shipped ASP.NET MVC 3 followed by a release of updated Visual Studio tooling for ASP.NET MVC 3. But we’re not ones to sit on our hands for long and are busy at work on ASP.NET MVC 4.

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What’s the Difference Between a Value Provider and Model Binder?

ASP.NET MVC 3 introduced the ability to bind an incoming JSON request to an action method parameter, which is something I wrote about before.

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Docs In Nine Languages

In May, we released a tools update for ASP.NET MVC 3 in nine languages other than English. Today I got the good news that ASP.NET MVC 3 documentation is also now available in those nine languages, which arguably is even more helpful to those learning and using ASP.NET MVC.

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NuGet 1.4 Released

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The moon goes around the earth and when it comes up on the other side, Hark! There’s a new release of NuGet! Well, this time it was more like one and a half revolutions, but I’m happy nonetheless to announce the release of NuGet 1.4.

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Random Friday: On Turning Four

No, I’m not talking about my mental age.

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Creating a Custom ASP.NET MVC Project Template

UPDATE: I have an example Really Empty project template up on GitHub you can look at. I improved on this technique a bit in that one.

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Random Friday: My Accomplishments

It’s that time of year at Microsoft when managers are busily preparing reviews of their reports and preparing for the big stack ranking.

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Dependency Injection With ASP.NET HttpModules

At the risk of getting punched in the face by my friend Miguel, I’m not afraid to admit I’m a fan of responsible use of dependency injection. However, for many folks, attempting to use DI runs into a roadblock when it comes to ASP.NET HttpModule.

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Random Thought Friday

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I’m reading through the archives of a blog where the author posts something random every Friday (yesterday was Thursday, and tomorrow is Saturday). His Friday posts are completely unrelated to the main theme and content of his blog.

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