Important Note On Upgrading to Subtext 1.9

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Let me start off by noting that Subtext 1.9 requires ASP.NET 2.0!  Thus the upgrade process from a prior version of Subtext (all which run on ASP.NET 1.1) will not be quite as simple as before, but should hopefully not be overly complicated as is the spirit of Subtext.

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Ultimate Tool

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Scott Hanselman sets the geek-o-sphere abuzz with his latest (and apparently now annual) Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows.  The publishing of this list usually coincides with a productivity drop for me as I find many new toys to play with.  Unfortunately, many tools don’t work so well when running as a non-admin.

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Subtext On Mobile Devices

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Scott writes about making DasBlog work on Mobile Devices.  The approach he takes is to programmatically detect that the device is a mobile device and then present an optimized TinyHTML (his term) theme.

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Getting Jiggy With ASP.NET On Rails

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Update: Rob renamed his project to Subsonic.

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Comment Spam Heuristics

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SpamLately my blog has been hit with a torrential downpour of comment spam.  I’ve been able to fight much of it off with some creative regular

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Removing The Comment Spam Incentive

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The other tactic I neglected to mention in my previous post on combatting comment spam is more big picture.  How do we remove the incentive for spammers to comment spam in the first place?

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The Real Shaolin Soccer

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Subtext Skinning Changes

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With the Subtext 1.9 release just around the corner, this is probably a good time to highlight some minor, but important, changes to skinning in Subtext.

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Mile High Overview Of Subtext Skinning

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In my previous post, I outlined some minor changes to the skinning model for Subtext. In this post, I will give a high level overview of how skinning works in Subtext.

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Developing Custom Skins

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This is my third post about Skinning in Subtext. Previously I talked about some breaking changes.  Then I gave a high level overview of skinning in Subtext.  In this post I want to mention one new feature for those who use custom skins.

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Coder's Bill of Rights

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Gratuitious nature pic for no good reason other than I love Windows
WriterJust sticking my head above water long enough to take a breath and to link to some rubbish called the Programmer’s Bill of Rights that Jeff Atwood declares on his blog.

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This post is an ode to one of my favorite, albeit extremely minor, additions to .NET 2.0.  This is the method that I am sure we have all written in some sort of StringHelper library of some sort, but are now glad it is included in the framework as it makes our code a tad bit cleaner and shuts up that pesky FxCop warning about using the length of the string to test for empty strings.

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Soccer Beat Down

Tonight we had our first game of the new season against Hollywood United who now feature Alexi Lalas and Frank Le Boeuf, among several other former pro and national team players.  Let’s just say the result wasn’t pretty.  At least not pretty for us as they dismantled us 12 to 0.

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Colbert on Dungeons and Dragons

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Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report is in my opinion the funniest comedian on television right now. As Mugatu (played by Will Ferrell, the funniest comedian in movies) would say, “It’s that damn Stephen Colbert! He’s so hot right now! Stephen Colbert.”

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Resistance Is Not Futile

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Interesting post on the 37Signals blog regarding competing against Google.  Harb references a post by Paul Graham about Kiko’s founders putting their site up on eBay. 

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Subtext 1.9 Update

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Work on Subtext 1.9 is progressing well with more and more contributors chipping in. No firm release date yet, but hopefully soon.  The latest builds are pretty stable, but there a few more minor bug fixes to get in there. Also we plan to implement the MetaWeblog API newMediaObject method in order to better support Windows Live Writer.

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What Is Really Simple Discovery (RSD)?

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That is a fine question in need of a good answer.  The answer for implementors is easily found in the spec.  For the rest of us there is the exceedingly sparse entry (at the time of this writing) in Wikipedia.

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Pictures Of The Day

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Since my blog has been getting a bit geek heavy for my wife’s taste (see comment

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Atwood Is Preaching And I'm In The Choir

ChoirIn Jeff Atwood’s latest post entitled Source Control: Anything But SourceSafe he is preaching the gospel message to choose something other than Visual Source Safe and I am screaming amen in the choir section.

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Fun Iterating PagedCollections With Generics and Iterators

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Book Oh boy are you in for a roller coaster ride now!

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