Played Soccer Against The Juggernaut

Today my team had a friendly preseason game against Hollywood United. They fielded a mixture of a few players from their 40 and over team, but most of the players were from their main team.

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Did A Solar Flare Hose My Drive?

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Indulging My OCD Using TestDriven.NET With NCoverExplorer

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I don’t suffer from classic OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), but I do sometimes have OCD tendencies. Just ask my poor wife when we’re having dinner while my mind is still trying to resolve a thorny programming problem. Earth to Phil. Are you on this planet?

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[Tip Jar] Unit Test Events With Anonymous Delegates

Here we are already looking ahead to learn about the language features of C# 3.0 and I am still finding new ways to make my code better with good “old fashioned” C# 2.0.

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Subtext 1.9.3 Released

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Steve Harman just announced the release of Subtext 1.9.3. This is primarily a bug fix release, though there are a couple of small improvements.

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Using WebServer.WebDev For Unit Tests

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Y'All Coming To My Neck Of The Woods?

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PDC 2007 Developer
Powered According to Brad Abrams, it looks like we’re going to have us another PDC in 2007. For those of you not in the know, PDC stands for Professional Developer Conference. These are conferences in which Microsoft shows off upcoming technologies that us developers will be using.

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Subtext has a pretty sweet Continuous Integration setup using CruiseControl.NET running inside a virtual server inside a real computer in my home office. The man responsible for this setup is Simone Chiaretta, who just unveiled his new English language blog, CodeClimber.

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Look Both Ways Before You Lock

Green Light from Code Search is truly the search engine for the uber geek, and potentially a great source of sublime code and sublime comments.  K. Scott Allen, aka Mr. OdeToCode, posted a few choice samples of prose he found while searching through code (Scott, exactly what were you searching for?).

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Star Trek Sexadventure

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Just thought I would highlight something I mentioned in my last post because I thought it was particularly funny. I wrote about joys using Google Code Search to search through source code for interesting comments. Definitely a geeky pasttime.

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Akismet DNS Issues

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UPDATE: Looks like the DNS issue is starting to get resolved. The fix may not have fully propagated yet.

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MbUnit 2.3 Released!

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My favorite unit testing framework just released a new version. Andrew Stopford has the announcement here and you can download the release from the MbUnit site.

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Help! Server.Transfer Throws Exception In WebServer.WebDev In Medium Trust

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Ok, I could use some really expert help here. I really like using the built in WebServer.WebDev Web Server that is a part of Visual Studio

  1. For one thing, it makes getting a new developer working on Subtext (or any project) that much faster. Just get the latest code, and hit CTRL+F5 to see the site in your browser. No pesky IIS set up.
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The Question Of Innate Talent

From Recently while picking up a few items at Target, I decided to buy a cheapo soccer ball. Now those who know me know I’m a bit of a fanatic about playing soccer, willingly paying good money for a quality ball.

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Parkinson's Law Eats Silver Bullets

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Silver Bullet: From In his essay No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering, Fred Brooks makes the following postulate:

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Express Yourself With Custom Expression Builders

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One of the hidden gems in ASP.NET 2.0 is the new expression syntax. For example, to display the value of a setting in the AppSettings section of your web.config, you can do this:

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Get A Job

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No, this is not a bait and switch post where I try to recruit you to work on Subtext.  A while ago I mentioned that I was participating in The Hidden Network.  So far, I really like it, though I think there is still room for improvement.

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RSS Bandit Comment Watcher

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Participating in the comments section of particularly interesting blog posts is a lot of fun and helps build community.  But one of the annoyances in doing so is that there’s really no good way to keep track of comments.  Unlike new posts in someone’s RSS Feed, most aggregators won’t tell you when there is a new comment.

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Mono Migration Analyzer

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Now this is a stroke of genius.  If you want people to consider making their .NET applications work on Mono, give them a tool that informs them ahead of time how much trouble (or how easy) it will be to migrate to Mono.

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Forget the PS3 or the 360

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Nothing beats Activision on the 2600!  Pushing back the creative boundaries…

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