Tech-Ed 2004: Is it an attempt to overthrow the govt?
My good buddy makes the Kyle following comment on my last post:
Read MoreTech-Ed 2004: Don Box and Doug Purdy talk about Connected Systems.
It’s probably too early to tell, but Don Box and Doug Purdy gave what I bet will be the most interesting talk I will hear at Tech-Ed. This was the opening talk for the Connected Systems track which focuses on that hot TLA, SOA (Service Oriented Architecture).
Read MoreTech-Ed 2004: New Personal Record
I have a new personal record time for the drive from Los Angeles to San Diego. I believe I made it in 1.5 hours. It was a harrowing drive, but I made it safely and already received some free code generation software. Now to find some food and watch the Alias finale.
Read MoreBush outsourcing campaign activities to India
Read MoreAccording to a new report, the Bush Administration has taken its strong support for outsourcing further than previously thought – opting to move key political operations offshore. India’s Hindustan Times reports that, during a 14 month period from 2002 to 2003 when the Republican Party was playing up patriotism, its fund-raising and vote-seeking campaign was performed in part by two call centers located in India….
VIDEO: Interesting German Car Commercial
A coworker sent me this really neat car commercial. It makes really good use of soothing subtle sound effects as the car drives around the scerene landscape. You may need to turn up your speakers a bit to hear it.
Read MoreMUST SEE: Amazing eye hand coordination
In the old days, the Shaolin monks demonstrated the strength of their kung-fu with feats of amazing dexterity. The modern monk has replaced kung-fu with this:
Read MoreMicrosoft's Gates Touts Blogging as Business Tool
I may be the last geek to have posted this, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
Read MoreChildless couple told to try sex
Read MoreA German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless - they weren’t having sex.
Gmail Bug Sparks Storage Rumors
Knew it had to be too good to be true. Ignore my previous post.
Read MoreGoogle tests waters with terabyte e-mail limit
When I first heard of this, I thought it was a glitch in gMail. But hot damn! A whole Terabyte. I don’t even have a terabyte at home.
Read MoreComment Graffitti in my Blog
.TEXT has a neat page in the Admin section that displays all the comments made in your blog. I hadn’t been monitoring this page so when I finally got around to it, I was quite surprised at some of the comments made therein. Most of the comments are from my very nice and intelligent friends, but there are the occasional entries made by people with a one letter vocabulary (literally). My wife and I had a good laugh at many of them, but some of them were a bit disturbing or just plain nonsensical. I ended up deleting a lot of them.
Read MoreE3 Photos
Last Thursday I was lucky enough to attend the E3 Gaming Conference. It’s basically a candy store for adolescent boys (or adults who cater to the inner adolescent). Two words characterize the expo, sex and videogames. Booth babes were plentiful (in number and cup size), but I was more interested in the games, games, games!
Read MoreDuuude. That's a relief. Pass the chips.
Read MoreReuters - Various reports indicate that young people who use cannabis tend to experience psychological and social problems. However, there is no evidence that marijuana use is directly linked with such problems, according to the results of a study published in The Lancet.
HttpWebRequest and the Expect: 100-continue Header Problem
Apparently I’m not the only one to run into this annoying problem. When using the HttpWebRequest to POST form data using HTTP 1.1, it ALWAYS adds the following HTTP header “Expect: 100-Continue”. Fixing the problem has proved to be quite elusive.
Read MoreYou've been hacked: now what?
And I thought he was talking about my site…
Read MoreGotta have it! Commodore 64 in a Joystick
This press release announced a joystick that has a C64 mini console in a Joystick with 30 games including California Games. I absolutely loved California Games! Especially hacky-sack and surfing.
Read MoreAn Even Better TimedLock
Wow! After posting my update to the TimedLock class entitled TimedLock Yet Again Revisited…, Ian Griffiths posts this gem which outlines a solution to one of the problem’s with my approach to keeping a stack trace.
Read MoreWhen Soccer Players Attack ... me
This weekend I nearly got into a fight while playing soccer. To give you perspective, this is a friendly co-ed game with a group of people I’ve played with for six years. Player ages range from the early twenties up to fifty something.
Read MoreTimedLock Yet Again Revisited...
In an earlier post, I updated the TimedLock class (first introduced in this post) to allow the user to examine the stack trace of the thread that is holding the lock to an object when the TimedLock fails to obtain a lock on that object. This assumes that the blocking lock was obtained using the TimedLock. Ian Griffiths pointed out a few flaws in my implementation and I promised I would incorporate his feedback and revise the code.
Read MoreIs Bush Choosing Stupidity?
This interesting piece on Slate presents the idea that perhaps Bush chose “stupidity” early on as an act of rebellion and has stuck with it even after beginning to get his act together. An excerpt:
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