Alaska. We'll Pay You To Live Here.
UPDATE: I cannot help you move to Alaska. This post was written in 2004. If you want to move to Alaska, please don’t contact me. Try looking for information at the official Alaska homepage. Thanks!
Read MoreWhat a day! Kayaking in Lake Union
There ought to be a law that requires employers to give their charges the day off due to great weather. Back in Alaska, we’d have the day off when it dropped to -60 F with snow up to your nostrils. They call it a “snow day”. Well there ought to be a “good weather day”.
Read MoreTwilight Samurai, Go See It
We saw a fantastic movie
at the Landmark last night called Twilight
Samurai. It stars
Hiroyuki Sanada who played the bad ass in The Last Samurai who beats the
crap out of Tom Cruise and was the Samurai leader’s second in command.
Visited Microsoft Today. Even Saw Chris Sells.
My friend Julie showed me and Akumi around the campus today. She works for the Finance department in Building 4. When I say “campus”, Microsoft really has a collegiate feel to it. We even saw a group sitting in a circle in a plot of grass having what appeared to be a discussion group. We had lunch at the cafeteria there and the food reminded me of my college dining hall, not terrible, but nothing to write blog about.
Read MoreHooking Another Person On RSS Bandit
I’m here in Seattle hooking an unsuspecting Dan Kalish on the drug I call RSS Bandit. He just finished the Washington Bar (after having passed the Connecticut bar only a couple of years ago. Sucks to be a lawyer and move.) and is enjoying a quiet repose. This is my first attempt to a non geek on RSS.
Read MoreOff to Seattle
We fly off tomorrow to Seattle and don’t let me catch you even thinking about trying to snake my stuff. I live in a very bad neighborhood, you wouldn’t want to be there after dark or in the nude. We have vicious blind dogs in the yard that have been raised on human meat and will bite anything that breathes or walks funny. And robots in the house with lasers and duct tape and … and Barry Manilow CDs!
Read MoreWrite Specs In The Present Tense
I have a bad habit of writing specs in the future tense. Since the system I’m spec’ing doesn’t yet exist, it’s so easy for me to fall in the habit of saying things like:
Read MoreThe Hollywood Bowl Does Not Disappoint
I’m no professional musician, but I thought the acoustics at the Hollywood bowl was fantastic. They’ve been touting the improved sound with the new shell and improvements. The sound was sharp and clear.
Read MoreGoogle's IPO Could Be Worth PI, not E
Google originally wanted to raise $2,718,281,828, but based on this article, I predict they’ll be closer to $3,141,592,653. In any case, that’s a big piece of pi. (sorry. really. don’t shoot me.)
Read MoreFLASH: I'm Steve, And I'm A Super Villain
Via Mr. Adam Kinney is this hilarious flash video about what happens when the Apple Switch campaign is coopted by Linux users.
Read MoreSoccer Result: 2 - 2 tie.
My team, Nothend United, tied the
Westsiders 2 to 2. Our goalie was phenomenal in staving off their
aggresive attack, but sadly the opponents scored twice by capitalizing
on deflections of our defense that took our goalie out of position. I
scored one off of a penalty kick. For the record, I didn’t dive. I never
Microsoft Listens and Don Box Responds
I have to hand it to Microsoft, they really do listen to their customers. And I don’t mean in that head nodding “I hear you but I don’t know what you’re saying” kind of way so common with people who really want you to think they’re listening, but have no time for you. I posted my question about device support on Don Box’s Wiki and here’s his response:
Read MoreWhy Should I Care About The Wire Format In SOAP?
In this
Tim Ewald talks about using Doc/Literal/Bare for your web service. There
are several benefits he ticks off, but one seems to be the aesthetic
effect of cleaning up the format of the XML within your SOAP message. In
SOAP, the XML sent back and forth is just the wire format. As a typical
developer, why should you care what the wire format is? In general, you
shouldn’t. If you have the tools to generate WSDL and generate a proxy
off of a WSDL to call a web service, you’re all set.
Web Browser Security In RSS Bandit
Dare asks the question whether or not we should change the browser used by RSS Bandit. He was greeted by over 30 comments, mostly in favor of the switch. This is purely anecdotal, but I get the sense alot of people are upset by recent vulnerabilities in IE. I also get the sense that a lot of people feel that upstart browsers are toeing the line of innovation while IE has sat on its fat ass and done nothing lately.
Read MoreTranforming Xml over Http to SOAP with a Soap Extension
I'm such a Pusher... RSS Addiction
First Kyle, then Micah. I’ve bugged him, cajoled him, annoyed him, till finally he caved and installed RSS Bandit. Took about five minutes before he became a full fledged addict. I have a feeling he’ll be up really late tonight. Next step is to get him set up with a .TEXT blog. I’m so eeeeevil.
Read MoreI'm Going On Vacation!
I’m taking all of next week off of
work. Wohoo! Well actually, I’m only on vacation from my day job. Monday
and Tuesday I’ll be working on some contracts I’ve got going on the
side. Then on Wednesday, the little lady and I are heading out to
Seattle to visit her
best friend. Hopefully I’ll have some time to work on RSS Bandit too.
Hollywood Bowl w/ The Crystal Method, Nortec Collective et all
Entagling 5 photons
Scientists will soon rip open the door to real Quantum computing. Will it be a peek into alternate universes? Or will it fizzle with a whimper?
Read MorePhilosophy Blogs
Via this article in Newsweek, I found an interesting blog geared towards the professional philosopher but open to others with an interest.
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