Michael Moore's Blog
Letterman’s Top Ten List: “Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11"
10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing
- It oversimplified the way I stole the election
- Too many of them fancy college-boy words
- If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part where I get him deported
- Didn’t have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives people the finger
- Of all Michael Moore’s accusations, only 97% are true
- Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe
- Where the hell was Spider-man?
- Couldn’t hear most of the movie over Cheney’s foul mouth
- I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball
Another Attempt To Reduce Comment Span
Sony Announces Digital Music Player
I need to see if my brother-in-law can hook
me up with one of these.
The iTunes Album Art Importer for Windows, written in .NET 1.1
Found this on
Scott Hanselman’s blog. The iTunes Art
The Collision Of Bush and Moore...
Mono 1.0 is out
Dave Winer Misses The Point With Fahrenheit 9/11
Dave Winer the founder of RSS and a popular member of the so-called blogosphere writes:
Who's Missing The Point About Iraq?
response to Dave
Winer’s post about Michael Moore’s new
movie has
generated a lot (for me) comments. I appreciate the comments whether
you’re in agreement with me or not. I’d like to address them for a
moment with this post. Dave Winer, in his response to my post, asks:
Current Directory For Windows Service Is Not What You Expect
At least it wasn’t what I expected. By default, the current directory for your Windows service is the System32 folder. I keep forgetting that which causes me problems when I try to access a file or folder using a relative path.
Read MoreYahoo, Please Make RSS Better For My Friend Walter
Surprisingly, most of my good friends who read this blog don’t care much about software development or .NET. They’re not riveted by gripping stories of flexible configuration section handlers, or the heart palpitating episodes of my titanic battle with the StringDictionary’s handling of string casing. Nor do they spend their leisure moments contemplating new and exciting IBlogExtension plugins.
Read MoreWe're Flying To Seattle
And I expect my arms to be tired (ba-dump
VIDEO: Super Mario Guitarist
My First CodeProject Article
Finally I’ve gotten around to contributing an article to the Code Project community. Writing articles and whatnot has always been on my //TODO: list, but until now, I’ve only had articles published on my blog (not counting the RSS Bandit user documentation)
Read MoreAbsolutely Nothing. Say It Again! (Configuration Section Handlers)
Ian Griffiths points out why he doesn’t like configuration section handlers much, and one of the primary reasons is how they require extra “cruft” in order to tell .NET about the handler. I have to agree for the most part. I’ve always wanted a #region tag for the App.config file just to hide that junk away, but that’s pretty much a cop out. Cyrus points out how the C# team was ambivalent about even having a region tag in the IDE.
Read MoreStrong Bad says, "File Not Found"
Brad Wilson
(thanks!) pointed me to this hilarious 404 File Not
Found page. Give it a
second to kick in (I promise, no zombies will scream). It has my
favorite (and as far as I’m concerned, the funniest) character on the
web, Mr. Strong Bad himself. If
you haven’t acquainted yourself with Strong Bad, now is the time!
Frustration with the StringDictionary class.
Today I ran into an annoying nuance of the StringDictionary
(located in the System.Collections.Specialized
namespace so as not to
be confused with the other imposter string dictionaries). It’s not a
bug, but I feel the API for it could have been slightly better on this
minor point.
The Very Last Configuration Section Handler I'll Ever Need
UPDATE: In ASP.NET 2.0, there’s an even easier approach that supercedes this one. I wrote about it here.
Read MoreNow that's a 404 Message!
Cheney Drops The F-Bomb on the Senate Floor. Omarosa Is Proud.
It’s funny to me that this makes the news.