Bloglines subscription

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Weird. I did a google search for an entry in my blog and one of the results was a bloglines account that had my blog subscribed. I was basically seeing all the blogs that some bloglines user was subscribed to. Is that a feature of bloglines to expose your subscriptions like that? Or is that a privacy flaw?

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Dare Makes a Move to be More Social

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Dare Obasanjo, the project lead on the RSS Bandit project (of which I contribute) is leaving his post as a Program Manager on the XML team at Microsoft to work as a Program Manager on the MSN Communication Services Platform team.

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Partisan Bush Joke: Intelligence Riddle

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Since I like to stoke the fire of partisanship… This joke was sent to me by my friend Walter.

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Whidbey Update

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Scott Guthrie has returned to blogging with a tremendous piece on his team’s effort towards reaching “ZBB” or Zero Bug Bounce.

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VIDEO: Funniest DUI ever.

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Just watch the whole thing. It’s not that long and you won’t be sorry. VIDEO

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Row based testing in MbUnit (i.e. RowTest)

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Jonathan de Halleux, aka Peli, never ceases to impress me with his innovations within MbUnit. In case you’re not familiar with MbUnit, it’s a unit testing framework similar to NUnit.

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It's no iPod, but it is 100GB

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Xclef Saw this on Gizmodo. It’s bigger and not as nice looking as an iPod, but it is 100 GB.

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FUNNY: Alternate word meanings...

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My friend Michael who lives in London for now sent me this.

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Workspace Pictures: Work and Home Offices

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I know a lot of people like to post picturesof their workspace online. Not sure why (vanity!), but they just do. So I thought I’d jump on that bandwagon and do the same.

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Free Idea For Google Desktop

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Allow users to configure Google Desktop to search their GMail accounts. Most of my personal email isn’t going to be in Outlook. It’ll be in my web-based accounts.

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Evaluating Free Desktop Search Options: Copernic

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Copernic LogoAfter reading the reaction around the net about Google Desktop (GD for short), one common complaint I noticed is the use of a web browser for local searching. Why use a web browser to search locally and forego all the utility and benefits a rich client can provide?

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What Is That Liquid Falling From The Sky?

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A strange phenomena occurred last night and into this morning here in Los Angeles. I kid you not, but water… fell from the SKY!

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TDD Is Great...Except When It Isn't

Saw this post by Craig Andera about Test Driven Development and I have to say I completely agree with him.

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Work-life balance

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Read this article at FastCompany pointed to by Steve Maine and maybe I’m lazy, but I totally disagree.

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Hilarity: Bible Study With Bush

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Bush PraysSaw this going around the web. Classic!

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Bush Not Concerned About Osama

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Time to get political. I loved how Kerry caught Bush off-guard when he pointed out that in 2002, Bush said he wasn’t concerned with Osama. Realize this is at the same time our troops were in Afghanistan looking for the bastard. I think that beats the out of context “nuisance” quote by a mile, because even in context, Bush’s quote is damning.

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VS.NET Add-In For Source Code Formatting as HTML

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Colin sent me an email pointing me to an add-in he wrote for VS.NET that allows you to copy selected source code to the clipboard as syntax highlighted HTML.

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Google Brings You Desktop Search

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Now use the power of Google on your desktop via Google Desktop.

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Calling Google Desktop A Disappointment Is Premature

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Dave Winer points to a blog posting by Erik Speckman calling Google Desktop Search a disappointment. One complaint that Dave shares is that Google search only works with certain file formats. He wants to be able to add plug-ins for file formats it doesn’t already understand.

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TimedLock with Stack Traces Strikes Back

By now you probably think I have an unhealthy obsession over the TimedLock struct. Well, you’re right. I think it’s emblematic of the right way to do things and shows that the right way isn’t always the easiest way.

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