Atlas Comment Spam Heuristics

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Remember my recent post in which I suggested that we need more heuristic approaches to the comment spam problem?

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Think I'm Just Too White And Nerdy

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UPDATE: Via Dare I learned that the video was leaked to YouTube prior to its world premier and has been taken down. You can find the song on Weird Al’s MySpace page. I’ve updated my link.

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My Sandwich Compartment Forehead

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CC Share Alike License: For whatever reasons, I happen to be somewhat well endowed in the forehead region.  My wife (bless her heart) likes to refer my forehead as my Sandwich Compartment.

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Hotel Minibar Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines

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Thermometer Interesting post on how easy it is to open up a Diebold voting machine.  Security is not realized by trusting the words of some CEO.  Security is obtained via peer review and testing.

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Should Microsoft Financially Support Open Source Projects?

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UPDATE: I remember that Scott Hanselman proposed that Microsoft put together an organization like INETA for Open Source Software in an editorial aside a while back while discussing NDoc.

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A Few Questions For Subtext Users

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Logo If you are using Subtext, or are using .TEXT and plan to use Subtext I need to ask you a few questions.  Please answer as your answers may determine whether or not some features are removed for the sake of simplification.

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Yay! More Gratuitous Special Effects For My Blog - Reflections!

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From the 37 Signals blog I find out that reflections are the new dropshadows.  Unfortunately I didn’t get the memo, but at least there is a nice simple javascript library to add reflections to images.

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Proposed Extensions To The XFN Microformat

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Source: If you’ve read my blog you know I have a bit of a thing for Microformats.  I once wrote a little special effect script to highlight links to your friends when marked up using the XFN (XHTML Friends Network) Microformat used to denote relationships to people you link to.

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My New Personal Blog

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I found out recently that many of my family members and friends who used to read my blog stopped doing so because most of my blog posts were pure gibberish to them.  Apparently not everyone is fascinated by topics such as how many CPU cycles it takes to make a method call in a dynamic language?  Neither are they enthralled by matching HTML with Regular Expressions.  Go figure.

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Premature Optimization Considered Healthy

Some computer scientist by the name of Donald Knuth once said,

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I'd Like To Be In Joel's Shoes

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Of course that assumes that Joel wears a size 9 and a half.

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Joel On Ruby Performance

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Ruby Joel Spolsky follows up on his earlier remarks about scaling out a Ruby on Rails site with this post on Ruby performance.  I’m afraid it is a thoroughly unconvincing and surprising argument.  He states…

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Four Good Years And The Prospect Of Forty More

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Just a little shout out to my wife to wish us a happy anniversary.  We’ve been married for four years and each one has been better than the last.  I love you honey!

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End Of The Road Trip

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Update: You can click on the images (except the vegas one) to see larger pics.

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Why You Gotta Love The British

Tonight at Soccer practice, we scrimmaged for a while then ran through some drills.  We have an English guy and a Scottish guy (who hardly anyone can understand) on the team who are a laugh a minute.  You can imagine their surprise when we started a shooting drill and our team manager tells them that we all have to shag our own balls.

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BlogML 2.0 Released!

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Seems like all sorts of open source projects have been releasing lately.  Darren Neimke and Keyvan Nayyeri proudly announce the release of BlogML 2.0 on CodePlex.  Here’s a list of new features on Keyvan’s blog. With a bit of luck and lots of persistence, BlogML will hopefully be a key component in breaking vendor lock-in when it comes to blogging engine. 

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A New Sub In Town

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Darren Neimke apparently is not one to shy away from a bit of trash talk.  He IM’d me via MSN recently to warn me about a new SUB, ready to take down Subtext. In this case, it is his newly open sourced blog engine, SingleUserBlog or SUB, which is now hosted on CodePlex.  Darren has been on a roll lately with the recent release of BlogML 2.0.  Now SUB enters the scene with torpedoes blazing!

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SceneryThis past weekend my wife and I drove up to San Francisco to attend a friend’s wedding, which ended up being a lot of fun.  We always like visiting The City because of the many friends we have in the area, though being there reinforces the fact that it is not a place where we’d want to live (no offense to anybody who lives there, it’s just not our style).

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What About CAPTCHA?

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I mentioned several heuristic approachs to blocking spam in my recent post on blocking comment spam, but commenters note that I failed to mention CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart).  At the moment, CAPTCHA is quite effective, both at blocking spam and annoying users.

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Subtext Skins Gallery at

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As a follow-up to the recent release of Subtext 1.9, I would also like to introduce a little something I put together at

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