ASP.NET MVC In The Clouds

Quick question? What’s higher than a kite?

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The Future of WebForms And ASP.NET MVC

I’ve heard a lot of concerns from people worried that the ASP.NET team will stop sparing resources and support for Web Forms in favor of ASP.NET MVC in the future. I thought I would try to address that concern in this post based on my own observations.

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HTML Stripping Challenge

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UPDATE: I added three new unit tests and one interesting case in which the three browser render something differently.

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The Landmine of Parsing HTML and Stripping HTML Comments

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A while ago I wrote a blog post about how painful it is to properly parse an email address. This post is kind of like that, except that this time, I take on HTML.

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Step Aside StackOverflow, Here’s HaackOverflow

During my talk at the PDC, I heeded Hanselman’s call to action and decided to veer away from the Northwind “Permademo” and build something different.

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A Case Study In Design Tradeoffs: Usability vs Discoverability

Usability and Discoverability (also referred to as Learnability) are often confused with one another, but they really are distinct concepts. In Joel Spolsky’s wonderful User Interface Design for Programmers (go read it!), Joel provides an metaphor to highlight the difference.

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Donut Caching in ASP.NET MVC

UPDATE: Due to differences in the way that ASP.NET MVC 2 processes request, data within the substitution block can be cached when it shouldn’t be. Substitution caching for ASP.NET MVC is not supported and has been removed from our ASP.NET MVC Futures project.

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Grouping Controllers with ASP.NET MVC

UPDATE: I updated the prototype to work against the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM. Keep in mind, this is *NOT* a backport of the the ASP.NET MVC 2 feature so there may be some differences.

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Bin Deploying ASP.NET MVC

With the release of ASP.NET MVC Beta, the assemblies distributed with ASP.NET MVC are automatically installed into the GAC.

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Hazy Recollections of PDC 2008

Whew! I’ve finally found a bit of time to write about my impressions of the PDC 2008 conference. If you’re looking for insightful commentary and a “What does this all mean” post, you’ve come to the wrong place. There are plenty of others providing that sort of commentary. I’ll just string together some random impressions and pics from my perspective.

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Browser Choice and Voting Online

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In my last post, I joked that the reason that someone gave me all 1s in my talk was a misunderstanding of the evaluation form. In truth, I just assumed that someone out there really didn’t like what I was showing and that’s totally fine. It was something I found funny and I didn’t really care too much.

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Hot New Presentation Tip

Before giving a presentation, I review Scott Hanselman’s top 11 presentation tips. Well I have a twelfth tip that Scott needs to add to his list, and he’ll vouch for this.

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Model Binding To A List

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The sample project code is on GitHub. You can play with the code as you read this blog post.

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Halloween Preview

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I just can’t help myself. I said I wouldn’t be one of those parents, but forget it. I am one of those parents. I think my kid is adorable, so sue me. Check out Cody’s halloween costume. He’s with his BFF Forever, Alex the Panda.

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ASP.NET MVC Beta Released!

Today we finally officially released the beta of ASP.NET MVC (go download it already!).

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One Year At Microsoft

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bowl-mm Today marks my one year anniversary at Microsoft. Tradition dictates that I bring in a pound of M&Ms for each year that I’ve been an employee. I’m going to buck that trend (because I like bucking things) and bring in 1 kilo of Japanese candies. Since I just returned from a trip to Japan and it is also customary to bring gifts back from a trip, this ends up killing two birds with one stone. Software is not the only place to apply the DRY principle.

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Web Platform Installer

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I’ve used the term “drinking from the fire hose” when describing my first days at Microsoft. However, I believe that a lot of our customers feel this way when approaching the plethora of options for web application development on the Microsoft stack.

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Interesting Browser Bug with CSS border and the Select element

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UPDATE: Pretty much disregard this entire post, except as a reminder that it’s easy to make a mistake with DOCTYPEs and markup. As many people have told me, I had an error I didn’t notice in the original HTML. I forgot to close the SELECT tag. I’ll leave the post as-is.

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Japan Trip 2008

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Just got back from our trip to latest Japan yesterday morning. On previous trips, I ate really great Yakitori, ate Blowfish and lived to tell about it, celebrated the new year, , learned about ritual suicide and played around with sharp swords, visited a temple in the midst of old Tokyo, and visited the hotel from Spirited Away.

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A Rough Start To Tech-Ed Hong Kong

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I had a bit of a rough start to my first Tech-Ed Hong Kong last week. Pretty much every day while I was in Japan, I dutifully pulled out the laptop (despite my lack of internet connection) and made sure it still worked fine.

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