Anatomy of a Cross-site Request Forgery Attack

A Cross-site request forgery attack, also known as CSRF or XSRF (pronounced sea-surf) is the less well known, but equally dangerous, cousin of the Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack. Yeah, they come from a rough family.

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Better String Input Handling

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I’ve been relatively quiet on my blog lately in part because of all the work on ASP.NET MVC. However, the ASP.NET team is a relatively small team so we often are required to work on multiple features at the same time. So part of the reason I’ve been so busy is that while we were wrapping up ASP.NET MVC, I was also busy working on a core .NET Framework feature we plan to get into the next version (it was a feature that originated with our team, but we realized it belongs in the BCL).

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Open Source License For System.Web.Mvc

First let me begin by assuring you, this is not an April Fool’s joke.

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Subtext Is On The Move

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Simo beat me to the punch in writing about this, After many long years being hosted on SourceForge, the Subtext submarine is moving into a new project hosting port.

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Simple Usability

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Recently, I tried to accomplish a simple task on a website which frustrated me because what should have been simple, was not. All I wanted to do was go to the Mix website and quickly find links to my sessions so I could post them here. Even I should be able to figure this out.

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ASP.NET MVC Sessions At Mix

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After my critical post of the Mix website, I found this other site,, which should have been prominently linked to from the main site because it has a working search bar and is fairly usable and flashy!

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Subtext 2.1.1 Available Via the Web Platform Installer

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subtext200x200One of the cool products that I’m personally excited about announced at Mix is the updated Web Platform Installer.

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ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Released!

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newdotnetlogo_2_thumb Today I’m happy to write that ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTW (Release To Web) is now officially released.

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Learn About ASP.NET MVC Via NerdDinner

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I don’t know about you, but a great way to learn a new technology is to start using it. But to even start using it, it helps to be able to look at a real-world running application built on that technology. Combine that with source code and a walkthrough, and I think you have a winning combination.

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Hotfix for Installing ASP.NET MVC With Azure, Power Commands, or Resharper

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Yesterday, I wrote about troubleshooting Windows MSI Installers and talked about the pain we here feel when an installation fails. Turns out, it’s not always our fault. ;) It appears there’s a hotfix released for Visual Studio which addresses a problem with installing ASP.NET MVC when you have a third party add-in installed. I mentioned the three above because they are among the most commonly used add-ins which run into problems.

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Troubleshooting Windows MSI Installers

UPDATE: I updated this post slightly to address some good criticsm from Rob Mensching by removing the MsiZap section. Note that this post does not blame the Windows Installer for the few problems we have with ASP.NET MVC installations. The major culprit tends to be either devenv /setup or ngen.exe.

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ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate 2

UPDATE: This post is outdated. ASP.NET MVC 1.0 has been released already!

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I'm Speaking At Mix 2009

MIX09_SpeakerBling_VegasStrip_136x186 I finally have my registration worked out and I’m officially going to Mix09 this year! Woohoo! Not only am I going, but I’ll be speaking at Mix for the first time, so be sure to come by and say hi.

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ALT.NET Seattle Day Two

Day two of ALT.NET is over and I’m already pooped (for you non-English speakers, that means tired, not something else that might come to mind).

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ALT.NET Seattle Day Three

The third and last day of ALT.NET Seattle was a short one for me. My poor extremely patient wife was not feeling well today so I had to leave right at lunch time. But before I left, I did manage to attend a great session by John Lam and Jimmy Schementi on “Adding Scripting Support to .NET Applications”. In fact, you can watch the session here via

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ALT.NET Seattle Day One

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IronRuby ASP.NET MVC With Filters

Last July, I blogged about an IronRuby ASP.NET MVC prototype Levi and I put together with John Lam and Jimmy Schementi of the DLR team. It was really rough around the edges (and still is!)

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The Functional Language Gateway Drug

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Alternate Title: Linq, it’s not just for SQL.

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Take Charge of Your Security

Today I read something where someone was comparing Web Forms to ASP.NET MVC and suggested that Web Forms does a lot more than ASP.NET MVC to protect your site from malicious attacks.

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T4 Templates in ASP.NET MVC

Here’s a little known fact about T4 Templates…well besides that they exist in the first place. Visual Studio 2005 had support for T3 templates. T4 is the natural successor to T3. T3 is also the abbreviation used when marketing the movie Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. I heard that the names are related, but I haven’t confirmed it beyond a doubt, which seems appropriate given the title of the movie. But you didn’t hear that from me, deal?

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