Allowing Friends To Correct Typos

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I like this idea found on Boing Boing:

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56 Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11

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Earlier I posted the factual backup from Michael Moore’s website concerning Fahrenheit 9/11.

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Google's Mysterious Billboard

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Google apparently is behind this mysterious billboard that presents a nice number theory problem. I love number theory!

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The Effects Of The Internet On American Community

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This stolen from Koba-san

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Out Of Town Guests

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Michael from London and Dave from New York dropped in unexpectedly this week at the same time. We had a fun time driving around nearly all of L.A. yesterday.

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HILARIOUS!: TechTV catastrophe

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You’ve got to see this video.

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Herd Of Elephants

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The production move went smoothly, but who sent the herd of rampaging elephants over to stomp on my head last night. Strangely enough, nary a hair on my wife’s lovely head was touched.

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Blogging While Buzzed

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I’m going to buck tradition and start a new craze just because I mean to. Let’s call it, blogging while buzzed. Perhaps it will be the next meme, fad whatever, but this won’t be the happy byproduct or unintended consequence of an event, but the sole purpose of this blog posting.

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A More Palatable Fahrenheit 9/11, Just the Facts...

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This may be a more palatable way to understand Fahrenheit 9/11 for many who are not fans of Michael Moore. His website has a list of the facts he presents in the movie along with the source.

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The Rush Of Basketball

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Kurtis Blow once rapped

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Pot gives you unstoppable night vision powers?

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Which is perfect for finding that bag of chips in the dark. Found this gem on Boing Boing about a recent scientific study that indicates puffing a joint can improve night vision. Of course this won’t help you with the “beer goggle” effect.

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Jeff Richter's First Blog Entry Ever

Applied .NET Framework ProgrammingThe blog you’ve all been waiting for, Jeff Richter is keeping a blog. Well actually, it’s a Wintellog!. Several members of the Wintellect team have formed a group blog. It seems Jeff Prosise is holding down the fort as the most prolific blogger of the bunch.

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Event Handlers, Circular References, and Alleged Memory Leaks

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Ian Griffiths wrote this informative follow-up to my question on delegate references. The .NET framework definitely does not use Weak References to implement delegates.

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Does Holding A Delegate Reference Keep The Owning Object Alive?

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I have a big question that can probably be best elucidated via some code:

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What a weekend!

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What a weekend in L.A! Beautiful sunny weather hovering in the mid seventies all weekend. I played soccer on both Saturday and Sunday. Watched Spiderman II (loved it). Had some of the best Chinese food I’ve had in a long while. Found time to work on RSS Bandit. Went bodysurfing at the beach. What more can I say? I’m a happy camper.

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Michael Moore's Blog

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Michael Moore is keeping a blog. Now if I can convince him to provide an RSS feed.

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Letterman’s Top Ten List: “Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11"

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​10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing

  1. It oversimplified the way I stole the election
  2. Too many of them fancy college-boy words
  3. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included the part where I get him deported
  4. Didn’t have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives people the finger
  5. Of all Michael Moore’s accusations, only 97% are true
  6. Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe
  7. Where the hell was Spider-man?
  8. Couldn’t hear most of the movie over Cheney’s foul mouth
  9. I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball
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Another Attempt To Reduce Comment Span

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SpamA little while back, I had a few ideas about how to combat comment spam. My ideas were more geared towards a trust-based approach to stopping comment graffiti than spam, but they were a bit naive in some ways.

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Sony Announces Digital Music Player

I need to see if my brother-in-law can hook me up with one of these.

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The iTunes Album Art Importer for Windows, written in .NET 1.1

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