Too funny to pass up. President Bush Pays Tribute to John Lennon.

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This is too funny to pass up. Apparently some remixers have sliced and diced Bush’s snippets of Dubya speaking into a song that’s a mix of John Lennon’s Imagine and Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side.

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Give Readers a Choice on RSS Ads

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Well I didn’t get much of an on topic response to my question of whether readers would be bothered by ads in an RSS feed, but I did get into a nice chat about hosting at home verse with a service. Apparently Robb Allen has enough computers at home to supply a third-world country. Think about it Robb? They can really use it. ;)

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AdSense relevance...

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Orange Chicken In my comments, Barrywinces at the relevance of some Ad Sense ads he sees.

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New Plants for the Office

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This past weekend Akumi and I headed over to the downtown flower mart to purchase some plants. We came home with a couple money trees and some bamboo for my office.

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Google AdSense in RSS Ineffective?

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As you’ve probably heard, Google is testing AdSense within RSS on a single site.

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Should Corporations Act Purely on Self Interest?

I saw this post on Don Park’s blog…

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Matching HTML With Regular Expressions Redux

regex code suggest edit

UPDATE: Mea culpa! Maurice pointed out that (except for the casing) my original expression WAS correct. I only needed the RegexOptions.SingleLine option. I didn’t need to add the (\s|\n) everywhere. Here’s a corrected post. Thanks Maurice!

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Trillian Wikipedia Integration

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I’m chatting with my buddy Micah who will ask me a question and then annoyingly answer it himself immediately after. For example, he asked me how FireFox picks up an icon from web pages. I replied that there’s a favicon protocol but that I didn’t know the details. He then proceeded to explain how to format the link tag properly.

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So There Was a Real Hattori Hanzo

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Hattori Hanzo A while ago I wrote about Seppuku, Katanas, and Samurai and made a joking reference to Hattori Hanzo.

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It's the Little Touches - Trillian and MSN Messenger.

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Yesterday I wrote about a neat Trillianfeature that highlights words with their Wikipedia definition.

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Pensamiento de Cancun (Thinking About Cancun)

DataGrid With a Title Row

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One thing I’ve found annoying at times with the DataGrid control is there’s no way to specify a title to be displayed above the headers. Being lazy, I often resorted to adding a label above the data grid followed by a br tag.

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4/20. Where'd Your Coworker Go Around 4 PM?

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In some circles, today’s a very special day. And 4:20 today is a special time for this special day. If your coworker has a serious need to take a smoke break around 4 o’clock today and comes back with a lot of munchies, you know what’s up.

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Where Do These Bruises Come From?

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Elbow Yesterday Akumi pointed at my elbow in shock and asked me what happened.

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Google Ads as Blog Decoration

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Since I mentioned that the Family Guy was no longer cancelled on my blog, I’ve noticed that Google Ad Sense has been displaying a Family Guy banner ad on my homepage.

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Community Server Licensing vs .TEXT

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Before you upgrade to Community Server, be aware that they’ve turned it into a commercial product. Yes, there is a non-commercial license available, but it requires you to display the following image at the bottom of every page.

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Community Server Fix for Posting Comments from Feed Readers and a Rant for Good Measure

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Jayson Knight has been cutting his teeth on the latest version of .TEXT now called Community Server trying to get it’s RSS and CommentAPI support to work.

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The Collapse of Boolean Logic

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What will this code write to the console?

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When Drinking Flaming Shots

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…be sure not to spill…(animated gif)

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Misspelling Might Be Your Friend

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Looking through my statistics today and I noticed that I received a lot of hits from this post about Google Maps using satellite photography.

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