This Was My First Computer
Via Rory’s
post here, I’ve discovered
the Obsolete Technology Website.
Verizon Fiber Optic Internet Service
Ah man, this isn’t available in my neigborhood yet, but they’re offering 15 Mbps/2 Mbps internet access for $49.95. That’s what I’m paying now for my cable service.
Read MoreBeware the PayPal Email Scams!
Looking at my SPAM filter, I notice that nearly a quarter of my emails appear to be from PayPal. Of course, these are all spoofed to appear that way.
Read MoreErich Gamma Talks About Flexibility and Reuse
I just finished reading part 2 of the Bill Venners interview with Erich Gamma and Erich so eloquently distills some of what I was trying to say in a recent post.
Read MoreCoder’s Block
I’ve heard of writer’s block, but never
dealt with coder’s block until today. Seriously, I’ve always been able
to just unleash that kernel of code simmering inside in a big pop of
keyboard slamming.
EXIF, RDF and Flickr Metadata Management
Email Is An Addiction?
So they say that email is an addiction.
Read MorePlease Trust And Empower Your Employees. There's Always A Bug In The Process.
In my limited experience so far, and from anecdotal evidence of nearly everyone I’ve ever met who had a boss at one time or another, managers as a whole still do not trust their employees. It’s a real shame if you think about it, because the whole point of hiring employees is to scale up and create an infrastructure capable of handling more work (and ostensibly more profit) than you can now.
Read MoreFlickr Lovr
I know it’s been around a good while now and has been the darling of the blogging community far that time, but I only recently started to play with Flickr. My initial resistance was due to my complete dissatisfaction with other online photo management tools such as oFoto, Yahoo Photos, SnapFish etc…
Read MoreThere Is No Perfect Design
Many developers, especially those fresh out of college (though older developers are just as prone), fall into the trap of believing in an absolute concept of “the perfect design”. I hate to break such youthful idealism, but there’s just no such thing.
Read MoreDesign Patterns Isn’t a Golden Hammer
One trap that developers need to be wary of is the mentality of the Hammer Truism. This states that
Read MoreThanks for the Well Wishes
When something tragic befalls a friend, or even an acquaintance, I used to wonder if expressing my condolences and sorrow really meant much to the afflicted person. It certainly is different from person to person. For Akumi and me, I think the answer to that is yes, it is helpful. We certainly felt some degree of comfort knowing friends and even strangers who read my blog were sending us well wishes and thinking of us.
Read MoreHappy Birthday Akumi!
I know the timing is pretty
crummy, but here it is. It is required, yes required, that I give
you a true geek birthday salute (i.e. a blog birthday greeting).
A Loss In The Family
Joke: Four Old Friends
Four friends who hadn’t seen each other in 30 years, reunited at a party. After several drinks, one of the men had to use the rest room. Those who remained talked about their kids.
Read MoreStudy Shows That Referee's Decisions are Influenced by Spectator Pressure
A soccer buddy, and Doctor, sent me this interesting report. Here’s a snippet…
Read MoreBlogging: 3 questions
I swear I never do these stupid quizzes or memes or whatever you call it, but this is only three questions. If it’s good enough for Sam Ruby, it’s good enough for me.
Read MoreFor The Love of Football (Soccer)
One of my friends from our weekend pick-up game sent around this quote from Nick Hornby’s novel, Fever Pitch
(which was regrettably turned into a movie about baseball, rather than soccer as it was written).
Drove Down to San Diego
Yesterday we drove down to the San Diego area to spend the day with Akumi’s dad in Chula Vista, right on the border with Mexico. Trips to visit her dad end up being culinary expeditions of the highest quality. For lunch, we had some of the most delicious Ton-Katsu since Japan. Unfortunately we stuffed our faces so much that by the time we went to dinner, we were still a bit full and couldn’t enjoy the meal. Which was too bad because we went to the best Sushi place in San Diego. Perhaps the best in Southern California. Sushi Ota.
Read MoreHappy 27th Birthday Dare!
Today, the esteemed Dare Obasanjo, MSN Maestro, RSS Bandit Ruler, XML Guru Extraordinaire, Social Software Seminarian has just completed his 27th trip around the sun.
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