FUNNY: The REAL Automatic Update Message

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Oh yeah, this little curse is going around right now as Microsoft recently released some new security updates. I love Robb’s take on the real message underneath the Automatic Update dialog.

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VIDEO: Aswesome Rock Balancing Video

Picture 1-15 This is the must see video of the month. I would love to see this video in reverse.

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Welcome Home Discovery, Thanks for Setting Off the Car Alarms

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Shuttle Crew Very early this morning my slumber was disturbed by an extremely lound noise. Like Maverick in Top Gun, those durn shuttle astronauts did a fly by enroute to Edwards, setting off car alarms and howling dogs in the neighborhood. Couldn’t y’all have flown by quietly. There were people sleeping you know. Next thing you know, them punk astronauts will attach a huge bass subwoofer in the back of that thing, spinners, just to let you know what’s up.

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Podcasting Audio Logo

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So you’re ready to bore the world with your stuttering lisp via podcasting. Congratulations! Join the thousands of others podcasting their mind numbing undifferentiated message.

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Comment Spam Reduced?

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Spam Before I mention this, I better knock on wood and cross my fingers so as not to jinx it, but I haven’t had any comment spam for several days. In fact, for the past month, the amount of comment spam on my blog has been greatly reduced. Is rel="nofollow" actually working despite the naysayers? Or have I become such a small fry, that I am not worth the extra CPU cycles and bandwidth to graffiti my site?

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Dreaming of Yakitori

AddressInfo Update

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I wrote a really simple little class for converting State Codes to State Names and Vice Versa.

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Leaving Japan

In ten minutes we’re getting on the train to go to the Narita airport. I always feel sad when leaving, but excited to get back to work and the exciting opportunities therein. The fact we are flying Singapore airlines is some consolation. They have a fantastic in-flight entertainment system. If only they had wi-fi.

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Does Mort Know We're Talking Smack About Him Behind His Back?

And if so, is he angry? I wondered this after reading Is Object Oriented Programming The Problem? in which Don invokes the programmer archetype, “Mort” to make a point.

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Job Posting: Rockstars Developer(s) Needed

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We here at “You’ve Been Haacked” (well, actually just me) bend over backwards (and sideways) looking to enhance your Haacked experience and deliver more bang for your buck (What!? You’re not paying for this content? You lousy cheapskates!). To that end, we are adding Job Postings to the litany of entertaining drivel posted on this site. At least, we are adding this one job posting and reserve the right to add others. Here is an opportunity to work closely with yours truly on a project or two. Please, only reply if you have the skills to pay the bills.

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Spirited Away Hotel

Since I have a free moment (and the internet connection is back up), I thought I’d write a short status update of my trip to Japan. But first, let me point out that I used the term “status update”. What am I? A project manager?

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Pagoda Yesterday we were given a tour of Asakusa from an old family friend who resides there. He is an “Edoko”, a 3rd generation Tokyo native. Apparently, it takes three generations before you get to carry the Tokyo native membership card. I’m not sure if it gets you into the hottest clubs or not, or even if it at least provides car insurance on rentals, but I am sure it is an honor nonetheless.

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More on Microformats

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Kevin Marks says in the comments to my last post that my example of how a format designed for both machine and human readability might run into problems was a little contrived. My dear Mr. Marks how silly of you to say so. I must vehemently disagree with your lack of insight. That example was a lot contrived. I blame Jet Lag for the lack of a better example, but the point that I was trying to make (albeit unconvincingly), is that…

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Making Heads or Tails of Microformats

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I had an email discussion with Dimitri about Microformats a little while back, trying to understand the purpose of Microformats and what they intend to solve.

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Ill Communication No Longer

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You just have to love modern technology and its power to shrink the Earth. I had a meeting over Skype with Micah in San Francisco from here in Japan with no discernible lag at all and wonderful audio quality. Later, I had an MSN Messenger chat conference about RSS Bandit with Torsten in Germany and Dare in Nigeria. What a small world indeed!

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A Rasta Ride to the Airport

Rastafarian FlagFor those of you who give a damn, we made it safely to Japan. The trip itself had quite an interesting start in the form of a cab ride to the airport with a, ahem, slightly odd-in-the-head fellow.

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Heading to Japan

Tokyo Tomorrow we head off to Tokyo, Japan for a memorial service to celebrate the life of my wife’s father. We’ve both been very busy with our respective work, plowing ahead head down. It finally feels good to lift our heads above the chaos and exclaim…

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Joel Inserts Foot in Mouth and Then Shoots Self in Foot.

For as smart a guy as Joel Spolsky supposedly is, you’d think he’d keep his dumb ass remarks off his blog and between himself and his interns.

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What Happens when you Cross-Breed Barney and the Tele-Tubbies?

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You get BoohBah!

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Skype Out and Touch Someone

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Skype My wife usually uses a cheap calling card to call her mother in Japan. Unfortunately, for the last month, every time she would try to call, there would be problems. Today for example, they were having problems routing calls and she kept waking up some man in god only knows what god forsaken country he was in.

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