The Downside to Cool Software Names
Refactoring the Gregorian Calendar
In 1582, the Julian calendar was really starting to show its age. A bunch of brains got together and came up with the Gregorian calendar, which was received by the general population with a big middle finger in the air. Many saw it as an attempt by greedy landlords to cheat tenants out of a week of rent.
Read MoreTickets to Spain
Picked up our airline tickets to Spain today. We’ll be visiting in November, landing in Madrid, travelling through Andalucia and ending up in Barcelona. The main thing I want to visit in Madrid is the area where I used to live called Torrejon de Ardoz.
Read MoreIt Never Rains in Southern California...Except Today
Avoid Premature Generalization
You’ve no doubt heard me rant against premature optimization in the past, but Eric Gunnerson points out another “Premature” action to be avoided, “Premature Generalization”.
Read MorePaul Van Dyk at the Mayan
My Mental Laziness Mistakes
It wouldn’t be fair to point out the mistakes of other developers being lazy without pointing out that I have been very guilty of this myself. The point of the post is not to trash another person’s coding habits, but to present an ideal to work towards. Sometimes, intellectual “laziness” is absolutely necessary as in the example presented in the comments of that post.
Read MoreBe Lazy, But Not Intellectually Lazy
A while ago, Jeff
Atwood wrote about the merits of
laziness for
successful software developers. Lest this become the mantra of
sub-performing developers everywhere, I wanted to follow up with a
The Formalities of Being Incorporated
I am back from our first Board of Director’s meeting in San Francisco.
The sheer amount of legal formality required in conducting business as a
corporation is really quite interesting. They aren’t kidding when they
say it will increase the amount of paperwork you deal with.
Don't Mess With The Donald... Knuth That Is
Mathematicians and Computer Scientists know that the Donald that has had real impact in our world is Donald Knuth, not Mr. Trump. He is a giant in the industry and very well respected.
Read MoreDining in San Francisco
Akumi and I decided to turn the business trip into a short weekend
getaway. After the meeting, we all went out to Espetus, a brazilian
churrasco place. Each table
had a simple dial. Turn it to green and the waiters with the sticks keep
coming to your table offering slices of sweet glorious meat. Turn it to
red to put a temporary end to the gluttony. Needless to say, it took an
extreme amount of willpower to turn that dial to red once we set it to
PDC Underground
Blogs Influence In Senate Confirmation Hearings for Chief Justice
Walt provides this interesting look at how blogs have some influence within the Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Roberts.
Read MoreNew Job
Well I’ve kept this relatively quiet long enough, but since Jon Galloway spilled the beans, I might as well mention it. I am no longer an independent consultant.
Read MoreWhere are the Sociologists of Social Software
Perhaps I have a skewed view of reality, but I get the impression that software geeks are leading the charge into building the next generation of social software. Does it strike anyone else as odd that nerds are the ones defining the technologies and interfaces for people to become social? Is this some sort of Revenge of the Nerds we plan to inflict on the “cool” social butterflies who spurned us in our youth?
Read MorePower Outage in Los Angeles
UPDATE:Well it turns out that half of WebHost4Life’s servers didn’t have enough backup juice to stay up. Guess which half my blog was hosted on? Yep! But it is back up now (which is obvious otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this).
Read MoreMy Body Didn't Get The Memo
I distinctly remember sending a memo to my body years ago that illness is no longer permitted. But here I am with a persistent cough and lack of energy. I think I’ll have to let my body go and hire a new one.
Read MoreFirst Million Dollar Skill Game Tournament
I learned through Mr. Wagner that my former employer just announced the first ever million dollar skill game tournament.
Read MorePhotos From Burning Man
I caught a brutal cold on my return from Black Rock City, so I haven’t been much in the blogging mood. But I’m starting to feel better (or the glass of Sake is really working its magic) and thought I’d post a quick blurb about the trip.
Read MoreUsing CraigsList To Support Katrina Survivors
I arrived back in Los Angeles last night from Burning Man where I spent the week in utter ignorance of the true scale of Hurricane Katrina. Only today have I started to grasp the immense scale of the destruction.
Read More