The SuperSonic Subtext Build Server
Real quickly, check out our brand spanking new build server. Notice anything different? No? Good! Hopefully everything is working just fine, but faster.
Read MoreGMail-like Loading Indicator with ASP.NET Ajax
Simone Chiaretta, a member of the Subtext development team (among other open source projects), has been quite busy lately. I recently mentioned the Vista Sidebar Gadget for CruiseControl.NET he published. He also was recently in a video interview by MindBlog. Go Simo!
Read MoreSabotage Due To Pain. Developers, Take Ergonomics Seriously!
Is Fighting Open Source With Patents A Smart Move By Microsoft?
Fortune Magazine published an article in which they describe how Microsoft claims that free software, such as Linux, violates 235 of its patents.
Read MoreTagging In Subtext
With the announcement of the 1.9.5 release of Subtext, I thought I should talk about the new tagging and tag cloud feature. You can see it in action in the sidebar of my site.
Read MoreSubtext 1.9.5 Release
It is with great pleasure and relief that I announce the release of
Subtext 1.9.5. Between you and me, I’m just happy to get this release
out before the kid is
My Last Day Before Starting A New Career
Today is my last day of work as a VelocIT employee, a company I helped start and had (and still have) high hopes for as employee #1.
Read MoreEdit Keywords Page Patch
If you downloaded Subtext last night and try to edit keywords in the admin section, you might run into a syntax error. I fixed the download so if the file you download is named
Read MoreCreate Your Own Motivator Poster
This tool is really cool. It’s a tool used to make those cheesy Motivator posters. Or, go to this tool and make a Demotivator poster.
Read MoreProductive Unit Testing with Specialized Assertion Classes in MbUnit
Comedy Of Errors Bringing A Server Back From The Dead
Not too long ago I mentioned that a power surge bricked the Subtext Build Server. What followed was a comedy of errors on my part in trying to get this sucker back to life. Let my sleep deprived misadventures be a cautionary tale for you.
Read MoreHelp a Brother Out And Fight Diabetes
My friend Scott Hanselman is on a mission to raise $50,000 and then some for the American Diabetes Association to help fund the search for a cure.
Read MoreInstalling Ubuntu on Virtual PC for Windows Lovers
Setting PropertyBehavior On All Properties With Rhino Mocks
Although I am a big fan of Rhino Mocks, I typically favor State-Based over Interaction-Based unit testing, though I am not totally against Interaction Based testing.
Read MoreMIX07 Pics From Mix
Thought I’d post a few pics from mix with some notes.
Read MoreMix07 And The Italian Jersey
Just a couple of notes while I have a break during the conference. I’ll try to find some time to write about my impressions of the technologies when I’ve had time to reflect.
Read MoreMix07 I Am Terrible At Being Interviewed
Yesterday, while hanging out in the so called “BlogZone”, Tim Heuer pulled me aside for a audio short interview on the topic of Subtext and Open Source, two things I love to talk about and good luck getting me to shut up once you get me started. ;)
Read MoreArrived at Mix 07
Well Jon and I arrived safely, driving into Vegas around 4 PM last evening. Upon arriving, we met up with Miguel De Icaza, the founder of the Mono project, and headed over to the Mashup Lounge where we ran into John Osborne, a senior editor with O’ Reilly.
Read MoreBuilding a Continuous Integration Process In An Hour On DNRTV
If you’ve read my blog at all, you know I’m a big proponent of Continuous Integration (CI). For the Subtext project, we use CruiseControl.NET. I’ve written about our build process in the past.
Read MoreProse Is Dead. Long Live Prose
Charlez Petzold makes the following lament in response to Jeff Atwood’s review of two WPF books, one being Petzold’s.
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