Just a couple of notes while I have a break during the conference. I’ll try to find some time to write about my impressions of the technologies when I’ve had time to reflect.

In the meanwhile, allow me to tell a story about the Italia soccer jersey I wore on Sunday. It was a gift from a friend and I figured it fit the theme of staying at the Venetian. Get it? Italy!?

On Sunday, when Jon arrived in L.A. from SD, we went to brunch with my wife before leaving for Las Vegas. We decided to go to a nice French brunch place, La Dijonaise. Already some of you must see the conflict brewing.

Here I am, walking into a French restaurant wearing an Italian soccer jersey. The guy at the door took one look at me and told me, in a deeply French accent, “No no no. You cannot come in here.”

Eric Kemp, Miguel De Icaza, Jon Galloway, John Osborn, Me

I figured he was joking, but it took me a moment to realize why this guy I had never met was joking with me, as he pointed to my shirt. Silly me.