Get A Free Copy Of Our New Book

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AnthologyI just received a few advanced copies of our new book and am giving away three of them to the first three people who leave a comment on this post.

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Bulk Tagging and Category Management For Blogs

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One weakness with many blog engines, Subtext included, is that it is difficult to change the tags and categories for multiple entries at a time. In general, most blog engines streamline the workflow for tagging and categorizing a single blog post.

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Bug Driven Development

It is a sad fact of life that, in this day and age, arguments are not won with sound logic and reasoning. Instead, applying the principle of framing an argument is much more effective at swaying public opinion.

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Unit Testing Security Example

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This is a simple little demonstration of how to write unit tests to test out a specific role based permission issue using NUnit/MbUnit and Rhino Mocks.

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Test Secure Class Instantiation Helper Method

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This is a quick follow-up to my last post. That seemed like such a common test situation I figured I’d write a quick generic method for encapsulating those two tests.

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Urgent: Subtext Security Patch

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UPDATE: We released Subtext 2.0 which also includes the fix for this vulnerability among many other bug fixes.

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The Security Patch Dilemma For Scripting And VM Based Languages

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In his book, Producing Open Source Software, Karl Fogel gives sage advice on running an open source project. The section on how to deal with a security vulnerability was particularly interesting to me last night.

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Buy Our Book And Become An ASP.NET Bad Ass

41XDcuGaQrL._AA240_ Remember the book I mentioned that I was writing along with a few colleagues? Well it is finally available for pre-order on!

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Why Is Microsoft Removing My MVP Status?

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It was only two and a half months ago when I wrote about receiving my Microsoft MVP award. I was quite honored to receive this award.

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Conditional Compilation Constants and ASP.NET

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UPDATE: K. Scott Allen got to the root of the problem. It turns out it was an issue of precedence. Compiler options are not additive. Specifying options in @Page override those in web.config. Read his post to find out more.

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Build a Custom Open Source Search Index

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Here’s a little plug for something we’ve been working hard at over at Koders. Everyone knows that if you want to find open source code, you go to (it recently got a minor new facelift so check it out). That’s my area of responsibility here. However, after many many months of hard work, we released Koders Pro Edition 1.0 this week. I helped a bit with this, but it’s mostly due to the hard work of the rest of the team that this is out there, especially Ben, the product manager for Pro.

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Honeypot Captcha

I was thinking about alternative ways to block comment spam the other day and it occurred to me that there’s potentially a simpler solution than the Invisible Captcha approach I wrote about.

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Five Years Of Good Loving

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Akumi-Phil-Cody Today my wife and I celebrate our fifth anniversary of being legally married. If you’ve read my blog long enough, you might have seen this post which suggests we were married June 14, not September 12.

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Last Night A Doctor Saved My Nut

Last night I nearly lost a dear friend of mine. Now this is the sort of story most men, myself included, would understandably want keep to themselves. Although this deviates from my normal content, I feel a duty to tell all in this age of transparency because while I was in the middle of the ordeal, I turned to Google for help and didn’t find the information I needed. I write this in the hopes it helps some unfortunate guy in the future.

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IHttpContext And Other Interfaces For Your Duck Typing Benefit

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Not too long ago I wrote a blog post on some of the benefits of Duck Typing for C# developers. In that post I wrote up a simplified code sample demonstrating how you can cast the HttpContext to an interface you create called IHttpContext, for lack of a better name.

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Should Microsoft Really Bundle Open Source Software?

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Ayende recently wrote about Microsoft’s “annoying” tendency to duplicate the efforts of perfectly capable Open Source Software already in existence. In the post, he references this post by Scott Bellware which lists several cases in which Microsoft duplicated the efforts of OSS software.

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Don't Be a Validation Nazi

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In my last post, I wrote about how most email validation routines are too strict when compared against what is allowed by the RFC. Initially I dismissed this phenomena as the result of ignorance of the RFC or inability to understand it, as I had trouble understanding it myself.

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I Knew How To Validate An Email Address Until I Read The RFC

Raise your hand if you know how to validate an email address. For those of you with your hand in the air, put it down quickly before someone sees you. It’s an odd sight to see someone sitting alone at the keyboard raising his or her hand. I was speaking metaphorically.

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How Duck Typing Benefits C# Developers

David Meyer recently published a .NET class library that enables duck typing (also sometimes incorrectly described as Latent Typing as Ian Griffiths explains in his campaign to disabuse that notion) for .NET languages.

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My Latest Addiction Is Line Rider

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Not too long ago, Jeff Atwood lowered the overall productivity of software developers everywhere when he wrote about Desktop Tower Defense, a game that he calls fiendishly addictive.

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