NuGet 1.2 Released

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I’m happy to announce the release of NuGet 1.2. It took us a bit longer than we expected to get this release out there, and I’ll explain why later, but for now, go install it!

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Want to work on datajs?

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A colleague of mine from the Data and Modeling Group mentioned that they have a new senior developer position open working on their new datajs project.

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Model Binding Decimal Values

I’m in the beautiful country of Brazil right now (I’ll hopefully blog more about that later) proctoring for the hands-on labs that’s part of the Web Camps agenda.

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Defining Default Content For A Razor Layout Section

Layouts in Razor serve the same purpose as Master Pages do in Web Forms. They allow you to specify a layout for your site and carve out some placeholder sections for your views to implement.

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Templated Razor Delegates

David Fowler turned me on to a really cool feature of Razor I hadn’t realized made it into 1.0, Templated Razor Delegates. What’s that? I’ll let the code do the speaking.

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How To Find Out Which NuGet Packages Depend on Yours

Renaming a package ID is a potentially destructive action and one we don’t recommend doing. Why? Well if any other packages depend on your package, you’ve effectively broken them if you change your package ID.

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Changing Base Type Of A Razor View

Within a Razor view, you have access to a base set of properties (such as Html, Url, Ajax, etc.) each of which provides methods you can use within the view.

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Routing Regression With Two Consecutive Optional Url Parameters

It pains me to say it, but ASP.NET MVC 3 introduces a minor regression in routing from ASP.NET MVC 2. The good news is that there’s an easy workaround.

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NuGet 1.1 Released!

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Today I’m pleased to announce the release of NuGet 1.1 to the VS Extension Gallery and CodePlex. If you have NuGet 1.0 installed, just launch the VS Extension Manager (via Tools | Extension Manager menu) and click on the Updates tab.

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Redirecting Routes To Maintain Persistent URLs

Over a decade ago, Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web instructed the world know that cool URIs don’t change with what appears to be a poem, but it doesn’t rhyme and it’s not haiku.

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Introducing RouteMagic

Over the past couple of years, I’ve written several blog posts on ASP.NET Routing where I provided various extensions to routing. Typically such blog posts included a zip download of the binaries and source code to allow readers to easily try out the code.

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Sprechen Sie ASP.NET MVC?

Ni hao ma!

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NuGet Logo Stickers

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Last night I got a little treat in the mail from the kind folks at StickerMule. I really appreciate how they support open source projects with such great stickers.

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Building a Self Updating Site Using NuGet

For those of you who enjoy learning about a technology via screencast, I’ve recorded a video to accompany and complement this blog post. The screencast shows you what this package does, and the blog post covers more of the implementation details.

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ASP.NET MVC 3 and NuGet 1.0 Released (Including Source Code!)

The changing of the year is a time of celebration as people reflect thoughtfully on the past year and grow excited with anticipation for what’s to come in the year ahead.

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Uploading Packages To The NuGet Gallery

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As David Ebbo blogged today, the NuGet Gallery is now open to the public. The goal of the NuGet Gallery is to be the hub for NuGet users and package authors alike. Users should be able to search and discover packages with detailed information on each one and eventually rate them. Package authors can register for an API key and upload packages.

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Grouping Routes Part 2

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the scenario for grouping routes and how we can implement matching incoming requests with a grouped set of routes.

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C# Razor Syntax Quick Reference

I gave a presentation to another team at Microsoft yesterday on ASP.NET MVC and the Razor view engine and someone asked if there was a reference for the Razor syntax.

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Top 10 Blogging Clichés of 2010

Dear Reader, I apologize for not blogging much lately. I know, total #fail, but I’ve been so f***ing busy lately. I thought I would start off this new year right with a top ten list FTW!

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End Of Year 2010 Extravaganza

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It’s the end of the year and it’s time for the annual year in review blog post. I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry, you remembered to turn off the stove before leaving.

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