Smoggy Day

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My office is 17 floors up with a nice view towards the Pacific. The ocean is a few miles away, so all I see is a sliver of blue on a clear day.

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Wintellect Site Is Down...

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I doubt these guys went out of business, but they’re site has been unavailable since last evening. Perhaps someone bumped into the power switch?

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I Forgot That I Am An MCSD

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Doing Work Without Threads

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A while ago I wrote up a post on Asynchronous Sockets. Ian was kind enough to send me an email correcting a few niggles with it and in an email exchange, cleared up a few other misconceptions about how sockets (and other IO operations for that matter) really work.

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The Onion: Organizers Fear Terrorist Attacks On Upcoming Al-Qaeda Convention

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This is too funny. For any foreigners or Chinese press who read this blog, The Onion is satire.

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Bush Wins Al Qaeda Endorsement

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Read the story from Fox News of all places.

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Petals Around the Rose logic puzzle

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Found this interesting puzzle on BoingBoing. I figured it out. Can you?

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Ishkur's Guide To Electronic Music v2.5

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Someday when I have a kid, the young squirt will sit upon my knee and ask:

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Revenge Of The Frogs

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Found this here on Yahoo news. What is this frog doing?

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How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men

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Someone pointed this out to me on A book entitled How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men.

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FUNNY: Afro Ninja

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This is an animated gif. If it’s not animated, then you’re not seeing what I see.

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Understanding How Much POP3 Is Not Scalable

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I have the lovely task of importing a POP3 mailbox with 144524 messages into our database. I’m using a 3rd party component, but am quickly learning more than I ever wanted to know about POP3. For example, ideally you don’t want to use POP3 for large mail boxes because POP3 isn’t scalable.

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U2 to Release 'Atomic Bomb' New Album in November (Reuters)

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Best. Band. Ever.

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The Laugh Factory's Latino Night

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Last night Akumi and I attended the Laugh Factory on Sunset to see our friend and up and coming comic Rick Ramos perform. I met Rick through Kyle as the two of them went to Northwestern together and both Rick and I gave toasts at two of Kyle and Cara’s wedding receptions.

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Trouble With Your Firewall Software After Installing Windows XP SP2?

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If you’re having problems with your computer after upgrading to Windows XP SP2 and you are using a software firewall such as ZoneAlarm or BlackIce, try uninstalling your firewall software and re-installing it. That solved the problem for me. BlackIce recommends uninstalling their firewall before upgrading to SP2.

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Improving The CommentAPI And Comment Moderation

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One thing that bothers me about the CommentAPI is that the only response you get is the HTTP status code.

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Bush TV Ad If He Were Running Against Jesus

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This cracks me up.

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It's The Output Stupid! (What Makes a Great Influencer, Hacker, and Writer?)

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Fountain Pen I read with amusement this recent post on Scoble’s blog in which someone writes him a note dictating the tools that “Influencers” use.

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007 Uses RSS Bandit

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Dare puts this quote from Tim Bray up on his blog.

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WSE 2.0 Authentication: How To Avoid ClearText Passwords With UsernameToken

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