Burning Man 2004 Starts Today!

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So today, loads of clean people will be driving through the small town of Gerlach into the temporary city of Black Rock City. Trust me, they won’t stay clean for long, and will definitely bring home a souvenir of a nice coating of Playa dust over everything.

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Be A Real Political Geek, Buy The </bush> T-Shirt

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In the comments section of the post about the geekiest protest sign, Clara points out that tshirthell.com sells a t-shirt with the end Bush tag (seen below).

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Congratulations Kyle and Cara!

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We just got back from their wedding reception in San Francisco and we had a great time. I can see that you two will be very happy and I was honored to take part in the reception. Also, many thanks for the iPod, an overly generous gift, but one I will make good use of. I now finally have an iPod. Wohoo!

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Joke Of The Day: Kenny the Rooster

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RoosterThis farmer has about 500 hens, but no rooster, and he wants chicks. So, he goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a rooster that he would sell. The other farmer says, “Yep, I’ve got this great rooster, named Kenny. He’ll service every chicken you got, no problem.”

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Custom Source Control In CruiseControl.NET?

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I’m in the unlucky position that CruiseControl.NET doesn’t support the source control provider (Seapine Surround SCM) we use here at work. Briefly looking at the source code for CCNET, I noticed that I could create support for Surround SCM by implementing the ISourceControl interface via inheriting the ProcessSourceControl.cs class. However, before I go down that road, does anyone know if I can add a custome source control provider as a plug-in?

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World Officials Ask Hamm to Give Up Gold

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Riiight. You know kid, you did nothing wrong, but we’d like you to give back that gold medal anyways. We mistakenly gave it to you and we’d love it if you corrected that mistake for us. While you’re at it, I also had an accident in the bathroom we’d like you to clean up. Thanks, now there’s a good kid.

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Creating A Sane Build Process

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I’m not proud of it (well maybe just a little), but I once created an insane build process once. If Pat (who maintained the build after me) posts in my comments, he’ll tell you about it. Take a stew of a proprietary microcomputer flavor of Fortran written in the 70s by a programmer most assuredly clad in polyester, churn it through a Visual Basic 6.0 preprocessor that spits out Fortran 90 code, all the while correcting memory bound issues, mix it together by compiling it with a custom NAnt fortran compiler task, and voila!, 20 or so compiled Win32 fortran dlls. At this point, the process compiled and sprinkled in some C# code.

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Corporate Sponsored Pornography?

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I thought that would get your attention. I recently realized that my old blog on blogspot is still up and running. When I was working at a large ethnic television network (that will remain unnamed), I received the following internal email:

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Could This Be My Next Digital Camera?

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10 Unwritten Rules for a Consultant to Live By

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Now I’ve never been a consultant myself, but I have friends who have been consultants. Namely Kyle. What do you think of these rules?

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Becoming a Blogging "Category Hedonist".

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When I started blogging, I was a category ascetic. I figured I should keep categories to a minimum across very strict dividing lines. I was going for a Zen approach. The thought process I had is that each category should be a worthwhile feed to subscribe. So that if you’re one of my friends who doesn’t know .NET from a fishing net, you could subscribe to my Day To Day feed.

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Ali G Gets Tossed Out By Andy Rooney

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Ali GApparently, Andy Rooney has no patience for faux british rappers. If you’ve never seen the Ali G show, it’s worth a watch. One of the funniest episodes I’ve seen was when he was visiting a K-9 police unit and asked the trainer in his “urban” style, “Has yous eva thinks to use dogs instead of canines?” To which the officer replied, canines are dogs. Ali G then asks, “Ok, has you’s eva thinks to use dolphins? I Heahs they’s smarter than dogs.”

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In Need Of A Phil-Proof Alarm Clock

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How’s this for an idea? An alarm clock that only allows setting the alarm for the morning. No PM times allowed. I mean if you can’t wake up by noon on your own, what’s wrong with you?!

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ReSharper Property Expansion Live Template

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One thing I liked about CodeRush is that it came with several property expansion templates. However, ReSharper comes with a powerful template expansion editor for creating your own templates similar to what Whidbey has. I took it upon myself to create one for ReSharper. I hope you find it useful. There’s also a slight bug with this template in ReSharper that I will report to them (via this blog entry) and hope they fix.

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Moving My Photos Off Of Ofoto

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I received an email from Ofoto with the subject line “Your Ofoto images will be deleted on September 30, 2004”. Yeah, that got my attention. According to the email, your account expires if you don’t make a purchase every 12 months. At first, I assumed this was some sort of Phishing attack trying to get me to click on their bogus links. (NEVER click!). But I wrote customer service and sure enough, this was a legitimate email. They will delete my photos and pointed to the Terms Of Service (quoted at the bottom).

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ReSharper Reloaded

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Ok, I tried CodeRush (an excellent product) and now I’m back to ReSharper. Valentin Kipiatkov, the Chief Scientist at JetBrains pointed out that there are several options that can fix some of my concerns and make it usable for me. The first concern was the intellisense delay.

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Man I Love Blogging.

I’m hooked! To both reading blogs (via RSS feeds) as well as writing one. I’m addicted to poking my nose in the comments sections of other people’s blogs. Maybe even where my nose doesn’t belong. Almost certainly where it doesn’t belong.

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A Response To Shelley

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Regarding my post on Women in XML which is really a post about women in software industry, Shelley writes:

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Why The ThreadPool Is Very Often The Way To Go

In a previous post, I talked about Anynchronous sockets and its reliance on the ThreadPool and made an uninformed remark about potentially needing to up the ThreadPool count. Ian posted a commentdescribing why the ThreadPool is very often the way to go for socket programming, correcting my assumption. But as always, measure measure measure to be sure. Go read it. Thanks!

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Girl Power! (And the women of XML)

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