An Even EASIER Way To Obtain the Subtext Source Code

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In a recent post I outlined step by step how to obtain the source code for Subtext as a non-developer. Well I was a bit sloppy and made a couple of mistakes in the post (now corrected).

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Comment Spam Can Take Down Your Blog

spam I can have a very filthy mouth when pissed off. Take today for example, my dog was witness to a blistering stream of profanities as I found that my site was down. I was hit with a torrent of comment spam like nothing I’ve seen before.

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Working in San Francisco

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I’m in San Francisco for a working meeting for a client. We’re doing a bit of project planning and working through the specs and schematics. The thing I love about San Francisco is I never have a bad time, even if I’m only here for two days and one night.

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Submitting Patch Files for a CVS Project

Scott Hanselman provides an excellent writeup of how to use GNU Patch.exe with CVS and DIFF files. This is very helpful as it is the one (of perhaps many) thing missing from my Quickstart Guide to CVS and SourceForge for Windows developers.

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Downloading the Latest Source for Subtext from CVS

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UPDATE: Sorry, but my previous instructions contained some errors. I’ll make it up to you. In the meanwhile, here are the corrections.

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Am I the Only Person...

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Who’s ever gotten Jet Lag flying from Oakland to Los Angeles? ;)

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Two Years Ago On This Day...

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We got hitched! :)

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Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?

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This is not your ordinary history of computer science quiz. From the site…

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The Funniest Father’s Day Ad Yet

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CommentAPI Circumvents CAPTCHA

Just so we’re all clear about this, the convenience of the CommentAPI, that nifty little service that allows users to make comments to your blog from the comfort of their favorite RSS aggregator, comes at a cost. Enabling the CommentAPI supplies a back door for comment spammers who want to bypass the CAPTCHA guard posted at the front door.

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Simulating Http Context For Unit Tests Without Using Cassini nor IIS

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UPDATE: I have recently posted a newer and better version of this code on my blog.

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Rollback Attribute for NUnit 2.2.1 and Above

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Oh man, I have been head deep into “real” work lately, which explains the relative silence on my blog. In any case, it’s time to jump back in the fray with some light technical content.

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My First Pair Of Air Jordans

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So it’s maybe thirteen years too late, but I finally have my first pair of Air Jordans. Yeah, they don’t have anywhere near the cachet they did back in the day, but hey, better late than never. Here’s a photo to commemorate the occasion.

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Mobile Phone Gaming

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This is what I was working on before the siren call of independent consulting lured me away.

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Blogging to Win a PDC Ticket

blogging my way to
pdc This is my feeble attempt win an all expense trip to the PDC this year. All I have to do is explain why I want to attend. Unfortunately, I’ll be judged on creativity, value to the community, writing quality and style. It was my hope that my dashing good looks and slipping someone a freshly minted bill would suffice.

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This Was My First Computer

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Verizon Fiber Optic Internet Service

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Ah man, this isn’t available in my neigborhood yet, but they’re offering 15 Mbps/2 Mbps internet access for $49.95. That’s what I’m paying now for my cable service.

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Beware the PayPal Email Scams!

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Looking at my SPAM filter, I notice that nearly a quarter of my emails appear to be from PayPal. Of course, these are all spoofed to appear that way.

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Erich Gamma Talks About Flexibility and Reuse

I just finished reading part 2 of the Bill Venners interview with Erich Gamma and Erich so eloquently distills some of what I was trying to say in a recent post.

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Coder’s Block

block I’ve heard of writer’s block, but never dealt with coder’s block until today. Seriously, I’ve always been able to just unleash that kernel of code simmering inside in a big pop of keyboard slamming.

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