What Do You Do If You Find A Wallet?

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Wallet Well if you’re the punk malcontent who found my wallet yesterday, you go on a shopping spree…at Rite Aid, Vons, and Ralphs (a convenience store and two grocery stores). 

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Subtext 1.9.2 Bugfix Update

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As I mentioned in my last post, someone reported a bug with deleting posts in the admin tool.  That posts also describes a quick and dirty workaround.

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PATCH: Cannot Delete Posts In Subtext 1.9.2

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Someone reported that they cannot delete posts in the just released Subtext 1.9.2. I am mortified that we do do not have a unit test for this function!  To our defense, we did start with 0% code coverage in unit tests and have now reached 37.9% and rising!

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Subtext 1.9.2 "Shields Up" Edition Released!

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Making the world safe for trackbacks again!

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Dan Appleman takes the .NET focused custom search engine idea one step further by grabbing a great domain name for his search engine.  Now why didn’t I think of that!  Sometimes that’s all it takes between a search engine that will get used alot (his) and one that won’t (mine).  I’d be happy to throw my support over to his, though I’m keeping my baby.  The one key difference is I plan to leave my search engine open for others to contribute sites.  Perhaps the two will complement each other.

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Insomniac Thought For Tonight

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Chameleon Having trouble sleeping lately. Thought I’d start an intermittent blog series about the questions that keep me up at night.

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Essential Subtext 1.9.2 Crib Notes

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UPDATE: A bug was reported that blog posts could not be deleted. We have updated the release files with a fixed version.  There’s also a quick and dirty workaround.

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Integrate Your Custom Search Engine With The Browser

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In response to question about integrating my custom search engine with the browser, Oran left a comment with a link to a post on how to implement searching your FogBugz database in your browser via the OpenSearch provider, which is supported by Firefox 2.0 and IE7.

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The Viper Room And Soccer Woes

The Viper
RoomLast night I went to the “World Famous Viper Room”.  Gotta respect that their website makes sure to mention the World Famous part.  I suppose you’d have to have a real club inferiority complex to promote your club as The In This Neighborhood Sorta Famous Viper Room.

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My Very Own Search Engine

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Beta Google just launched a neat build-your-own-search-engine feature.  You can choose sites that should be emphasized in the search results, or even restrict search results to that list.

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Mapping Drives Via Remote Desktop

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Here’s a little trick that I didn’t know about till Steve told me about it.  So that’s what those other tabs in the Remote Destkop dialog are for!

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The Misuse of the Space Shuttle Analogy

Space Shuttle
Landing Jeff Atwood writes a great post about The Last Responsible Moment. Take a second to read it and come back here. I’ll wait.

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Atlas Web Application Project Template

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Dave (a Subtext developer) just blogged about a project template he created for creating Atlas applications using the Web Application Project (WAP).  This is wicked useful for those of us who prefer Web Application Projects over Web Site Projects.

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Art of the Job Post

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Lisa When I was a bright eyed bushy tailed senior in college, I remember wading through pages and pages of job ads in Jobtrak (which has since been absorbed into Monster.com).

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OriginUrl Supports Regular Expressions

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In a recent post I ranted about how ASP.NET denies WebPermission in Medium Trust. I also mentioned that there may be some legitimate reasons to deny this permission based on this hosting guide.

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Interesting Perf Lesson

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Tyler, an old friend and an outstanding contractor for VelocIT recently wrote a post suggesting one would receive better performance by passing in an array of objects to the Microsoft Data Application Block methods rather than passing in an array of SqlParameter instances. He cited this article.

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Why Oh Why Couldn't WebPermission Be Part Of Medium Trust?

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http://macibolt.hu/pag/goldilock.htmlThis is a bit of rant born out of some frustrations I have with ASP.NET. When setting the trust level of an ASP.NET site, you have the following options:

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Metrics For Your Open Source Project

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Steve Harman finds this gem of a site that generates interesting statistics and graphs for an open source website.  Just point it to your code repository and let it go!

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Remote Desktop On A Non-Standard Port

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For a project I worked on, we had an automated build server running CruiseControl.NET hosted in a virtual machine.  We did the same thing for Subtext (project is dead). 

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Dogfooding My Blog

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Just upgraded my blog to the latest version of Subtext in the Subversion 1.9 branch, not that you needed to know that. I just appreciate you letting me know if you run into problems leaving a comment and such by using my Contact page.

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