Writing Testable Code Is About Managing Complexity

When discussing the upcoming ASP.NET MVC framework, one of the key benefits I like to tout is how this framework will improve testability of your web applications.

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Groupthink Vs Market Think

In his book, The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations (title long enough for you?), James Surowiecki argues that decisions made by a crowd are generally better than those made by any single individual in the group.

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Hilarious Quote on Computing Power

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Seen in Twitter today

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What Happens At Conferences In Vegas Do Not Stay In Vegas

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Last week I was busy in Las Vegas at the DevConnections/OpenForce conferences, and unlike that pithy but over-used catch-phrase, what happens at a conference in Vegas should definitely not stay in Vegas but should be blogged (only things during sessions that won’t get anyone in trouble).

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The REST-Like Aspect Of ASP.NET MVC

While at DevConnections/OpenForce, I had some great conversations with various people on the topic of ASP.NET MVC. While many expressed their excitement about the framework and asked when they could see the bits (soon, I promise), there were several who had mixed feelings about it. I relish these conversations because it helps highlight the areas in which we need to put more work in and helps me become a better communicator about it.

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Rhino Mocks + Extension Methods + MVC == Crazy Delicious

UPDATE: This content is a bit outdated as these interfaces have changed in ASP.NET MVC since the writing of this post.

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Don't Buy Our Book. Win It. Or Win that XBox. Your Choice.

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Recently I gave out a few free copies of a book I co-wrote, but ran out quickly. This is the same book that Jeff Atwood (a co-author) told everyone, Do Not Buy This Book.

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A Library For Executing SQL Scripts With GO Separators and Template Parameters

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One thing I’ve found with various open source projects is that many of them contain very useful code nuggets that could be generally useful to developers writing different kinds of apps. Unfortunately, in many cases, these nuggets are hidden. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, Man, I wonder how that one open source app does XYZ because I could use that in this app, then you know what I mean.

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My Blog Lives In The Matrix

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A while back, Jon Galloway asked the question, Can Operating Systems tell if they’re running in a Virtual Machine? What a silly question! When was the last time an Operating System questioned its own existence? Is that going to be in the next version of Windows - Windows Vista Into Its Own Soul? Or perhaps Apple will come out with Mac OS Existentialist?

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DevConnections and OpenForce 2007 in Vegas

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From Monday night to Thursday afternoon next week I will be in Las Vegas attending both DevConnections/ASPConnections as well as the DotNetNuke OpenForce conference. After that, I will be up in Redmond for the next week.

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What Does Protected Internal Mean?

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Pop quiz for you C# developers out there. Will the following code compile?

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MySpace China Blogs Powered By Subtext

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LogoAn undisclosed source informed me that MySpace China is using a modified version of Subtext for its blogging engine.

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Mr Subsonic Joins Microsoft

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Like a lovesick puppy, my good friend Rob Conery is following me to Microsoft.

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Drinking from the Fire Hose At Microsoft

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For those starting out at Microsoft, an analogy that you’re likely to hear a lot is “Drinking from the firehose”. The first time I’ve ever heard this phrase was when Dare used it in a post about the flood of information due to subscribing to multiple RSS feeds.

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Seattle Code Camp Nov 17 and 18

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If you live in the Seattle area and like code, talking about code, or listening to people talk about code, you owe it to yourself to check out the Seattle Code Camp.

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Back In Business

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Many of you noticed that my blog was down. Thanks for the heads up. For some reason, it was pegging the CPU at 100% all of a sudden. Not sure why this was happening since nobody made any changes to the server. At least no changes they would fess up to ;).

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Geek Dinner In Seattle/Redmond Sunday Night

UPDATE: We decided on the Three Lions Pub in Redmond at 7:30 PM

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The Greatest Compliment A Developer Can Receive

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Here’s the dirty little secret about being a software developer. No matter how good the code you write is, it’s crap to another developer.

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ALT.NET Should Be Divisive, But Not Contrarian

In his post Goodby CodeBetter and ALT.NET, Sam Gentile writes about his dissatisfaction with CodeBetter and the ALT.NET movement. I don’t know Sam personally, but I’ve read his blog for a long time and know him to be a well reasoned thoughtful person.

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Perception Vs Reality Regarding The .NET Framework Source Code

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I think Miguel de Icaza nails it regarding some of the FUD being written about Microsoft’s latest move to make the source code to the .NET Framework available under the Microsoft Reference License (Ms-RL).

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