ASP.NET MVC 3 Extensionless URLs on IIS 6

A lot has been written about how to get ASP.NET MVC running on IIS 6 with extensionless URLs. Up until now, the story hasn’t been very pretty. When running ASP.NET MVC on ASP.NET 4, it gets a lot easier.

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See Me in Brazil and Argentina in March

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Along with James Senior, I’ll be speaking at a couple of free Web Camps events in South America in March 2011.

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Not Really Interested In Lean

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We could have done better. That’s the thought that goes through my mind when looking back on this past year and reflecting on NuGet.

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How Would You Maximize Profit From A Time Machine?

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At some point, everybody and every team makes a mistake they regret and wish they could take back. During our regular status meetings, I sometimes make the mistake of saying something like “if I could go back in time, I’d tell myself not to make that decision.”

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Release Candidate 2

Almost exactly one month ago, we released the Release Candidate for ASP.NET MVC 3. And today we learn why we use the term “Candidate”.

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NuGet Roundup December 2010 Edition

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I don’t normally post lists of links as it’s really not my style. But there’s a lot of great NuGet blog posts I want to call out so I thought I’d try my hand at it.

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ASP.NET MVC Diagnostics Using NuGet

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you encounter a problem with your ASP.NET MVC application that seems impossible to figure out and makes you want to pull out your hair. Or worse, it makes you want to pull out my hair. In some of those situations, it ends up being a PEBKAC issue, but in the interest of avoiding physical harm, I try not to point that out.

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Grouping Routes Part 1

UPDATE: 2011/02/13: This code is now included in the RouteMagic NuGet package! To use this code, simply run Install-Package RouteMagic within the NuGet Package Manager Console.

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Getting The Route Name For A Route

A question I often receive via my blog and email goes like this:

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Moq Sequences Revisited

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A while back I wrote about mocking successive calls to the same method which returns a sequence of objects. Read that post for more context.

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Named Routes To The Rescue

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names – Chinese Proverb

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NuGet Package Transformations

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Note, this blog post applies to v1.0 of NuGet and the details are subject to change in a future version.

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NuGet CTP 2 Released!

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My team has been hard at work the past few weeks cranking out code and today we are releasing the second preview of NuGet (which you may have heard referred to as NuPack in the past, but was renamed for CTP 2 by the community). If you’re not familiar with what NuGet is, please read my introductory blog post on the topic.

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Release Candidate

Today we’re releasing the release candidate for ASP.NET MVC 3. We’re in the home stretch now so it’ll mostly be bug fixes and small tweaks from here on out.

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Fighting Confirmation Bias

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This month’s Scientific American has an interesting commentary by Scott Lilienfield entitled Fudge Factor that discusses the fine line between academic misconduct and errors caused by confirmation bias.

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A Sordid Little Tale Of Unexpected Security Exceptions

It was a dark and stormy coding session; the rain fell in torrents as my eyes were locked to two LCD screens in a furious display of coding …

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And The Winner Is, NuGet

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The polls have closed and we now have a new name for our project, NuGet (pronounced “New Get” and not “Nugget” and not “Noojay” for you hoity-toity) which had the most votes by a large margin.

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Community Naming

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Just a quick follow-up to my last posts about naming NuPack. Looks like the community is not content to sit back and let the project be labelled with a lame name. I’ve seen a couple of community inspired names created as new issues in the CodePlex issue tracker.

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Naming is Hard, Let's Go Shopping

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There are only 2 hard problems in Computer Science. Naming things, cache invalidation and off-by-one errors.

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We're Renaming NuPack

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