ASP.NET Validators now work Client-Side on Mozilla with Whidbey Beta2

This is very good news. [Via ScottGu’s Blog]

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WS Security and the Reason Behind Hashed Passwords

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I received an email in response to my post How To Avoid ClearText Passwords With UsernameToken that asks the following question:

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Twiggy's Back Home and Check Out Her Cast

I picked up Twiggy from the vet after work and she’s been such a trooper. Check out the sassy hot pink cast that’s bigger than she is.

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Poor Twiggy Broke Her Leg Yesterday

Twiggy Twiggy was at a newly opened small dog park when a group of other small dogs suddenly ganged up on her. Of course they couldn’t catch her because she’s a speed demon, but she must have caught her foot in a grate on the ground (extremely bad idea for a small dog park to have a grate on the ground) and broke her leg just above her ankle.

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Why Code Coverage is not Enough

One of the holy grails for unit testing is to get 100% code coverage from your tests. However, you can’t sit back and smoke a cigar when you reach that point and assume your code is invulnerable. Code coverage just is not enough.

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UPDATE: Copy Source As HTML

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Colin shows how to configure CopySourceAsHtml for any source file that VS.NET provides syntax highlighting. In my case, I’ve mapped the shortcut CTRL+C CTRL+S to the Copy command and CTRL+C CTRL+N to CopyNow command.

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How Rich Are You?

Probably richer than you think. Check this out to find out.

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Copy Source As HTML

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My main man Colin is on fire with his latest version of CopySourceAsHtml add-in.

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BlogJet and RSS Bandit integration

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There is now a plug-in to use BlogJet to blog items from RSS Bandit. I haven’t tested it yet, but if the plug-in doesn’t do anything specific to RSS Bandit, it should be usable by any aggregator that supports the IBlogExtension interface. Want to write your own plug-in? Read my guide here.

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Adding a Windows Service Description

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When building an installer for a Windows Service in VS.NET 2003, conspicuously missing is the ability to specify a description for the service that is displayed in the Services applet.

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Ordered a Tablet PC

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So after much deliberation, I’ve decided on the M205 with a 60GB hard-drive, 512MB Ram, and a DVD-CD ROM drive etc… etc..

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Last Game of the Season

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Soccer Ball Today the soccer team I started playing with had their last game of the season. This was only my second game with them and we were playing the first place team in the league. This team was much slower than our last opponent and not as skillful, but were known for playing very dirty.

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Ali G Translator

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Ali Gif you’ve watched da show yous probably ave wondered, ow can i attract da wicked bitches dig dat awesome omeboy? da secret is to learn to bang dig im? well in da house’s your chance to learns da ons and out of ali g-speak. respek!

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This is So Me

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If blogging had been around when I was a kid…

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Deploying ASP.NET Apps With UnleashIt

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I answered a question about ASP.NET deployment in a newsgroup recently where the person asked which files should he deploy when moving his site to a production server.

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RSS Bandit Synchronization Using GMail Drive Shell Extension

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If you haven’t heard, RSS Bandit can synchronize its state (feedlist, read/unread, etc…) across multiple machines. I wrote about it in the RSS Bandit docs.

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SOAP vs. REST in the Real World

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There’s a lot of focus these days on SOAP vs REST and the proliferation of WS-* specifications. Sometimes you wonder if WS-* solves problems that aren’t all that common or have already been solved.

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Comment Spam

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Spam Adam tells me he doesn’t support comments nor the CommentAPI because he doesn’t want to deal with comment spam. So the day after admonishing him for being anti-social, I get hit by a slew of comment spam pointing to porn sites and selling Ginzu knifes. Did you know those things can cut right through a can?

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Why Not Convert HTML to XML?

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Pat Gannon (no blog) makes a great point in the comments on my post about using regular expressions to parse HTML. He says:

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Using a Regular Expression to Match HTML

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I just love regular expressions. I mean look at the sample below.

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