The Case Against Pay for Performance

If you run a company, stop increasing pay based on performance reviews. No, I’m not taking advantage of all that newly legal weed in my state (Washington). I know this challenges a belief as old as business itself. It challenges something that seems so totally obvious that you’re still not convinced I’m not smoking something. But hear me out.
Read MoreReactiveUI Design Guidelines
GitHub for Windows (often abbreviated to GHfW) is a client WPF application written in C#. I think it’s beautiful.
Read MoreSettings for your Visual Studio Extension
Recently I wrote what many consider to be the most important Visual Studio Extension ever shipped - Encourage for Visual Studio. It was my humble attempt to make a small corner of the world brighter with little encouragements as folks work in Visual Studio. You can get it via the Visual Studio Extension Manager.
Read MoreGitHub Flow Like a Pro with these 13 Git Aliases

BONUS! I’ve added a useful 14th Git Alias: git migrate
and now a 15th useful alias to open the repository in the browser
GitHub Saved My Marriage
GitHub is a great tool for developers to work together on software. Though its primary focus is software, a lot of people find it useful for non-software projects. For example, a co-worker of mine has a repository where he tracks a pet project:
Read MoreYour Editor should Encourage You

I love to code as much as the next developer. I even professed my love in a keynote once. And judging by the fact that you’re reading this blog, I bet you love to code too.
Read MoreDownload Emojis With Octokit.NET
I emojis. Recently, I had the fun task to add emoji auto completion to the latest GitHub for Windows release, among other contributions.
GitHub for Windows 2.0
Today we released GitHub for Windows 2.0 after a long development cycle. You can read some details about the release on the GitHub blog.
Read MoreThe Siren Song of Backwards Compatibility
This post is sort of a continuation of my post on Microsoft’s New Running Shoes.
Read MoreMicrosoft's New Running Shoes
When Ballmer famously said, “Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches,” it was fair to characterize Microsoft’s approach to open source as hostile. But over time, forces within Microsoft pushed to change this attitude. Many groups inside of Microsoft continue to see the customer and business value in fostering, rather than fighting, OSS.
Read MoreGitHub Data In Your Website
Software collaboration goes beyond just working on the code. In addition to writing a lot of code, software involves writing a lot of words. Prose shows up in documentation, tutorials, blog posts, and so on.
Read MoreA Lesson in Compassion
The screaming was unexpected.
Read MoreUsing to authenticate your app with GitHub
Some endpoints in the GitHub API require authorization to access private details. For example, if you want to get all of a user’s repositories, you’ll need to authenticate to see private repositories.
Read MoreMerge conflicts in csproj files
In a recent version of GitHub for Windows, we made a quiet change that had a subtle effect you might have noticed. We changed the default merge strategy for *.csproj
and similar files. If you make changes to a .csproj
file in a branch and then merge it to another branch, you’ll probably run into more merge conflicts now than before.
A less terrible .NET project build with NuGet
According to Maarten Balliauw, Building .NET projects is a world of pain. He should know, he is a co-founder of which provides private NuGet feeds along with build services for those packages.
Read MoreGitHub Secrets Talk
If you happen to be in Oahu next week (lucky you!), Wednesday April 9 2014 at 5:30 PM, come see my talk on GitHub Secrets at the University of Hawaii (lucky me!). Did I mention good food will be served?!
Read MoreBlogging while Broken
I’m going through a bit of a funk with work and writing. They seem somewhat intertwined. Writing this blog has been such an important outlet for me that it’s rough when I can’t seem to muster the energy to just keep writing.
Read MoreEmpathy In Your Best Interest

If I had to pick only one trait I hope to instill in my children, it’s empathy. It’s on my mind because of this beautiful post by Reg Braythwayt.
Read MoreMaster time with Reactive Extensions
What would you do if you could stop time for everyone but yourself?
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