[Mix06] The Value Of A Partial Message With Indigo

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I was involved in a 5 AM breakfast conversation (a little late night snack before we all turned in for the evening) with Clemens Vasters, Steve Maine, and some others at Mix06 in which they explained how streaming content works with WCF (code named Indigo).

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UPDATE: Ok, so being away from RSS Bandit has put me out of touch of some of the other discussion on this topic. As Dare writes, Don isn’t the first person to make the Lo-REST distinction.

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And The Award To The Funniest Commenter On This Blog Goes To

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My Wife! The comedienne. Honey, still don’t quit your day job.

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[Mix06] Microformats Autodiscovery

It is unfortunate that I haven’t been able to blog much about the Mix06 conference so far, as there is so much worth writing about. Unfortunately I have acquired a bad cold on top of a splitting headache that will not go away. Such is the price one pays when partying with the hard charging Microsofties (particularly with such Indigo team members such as Steve Maine and Clemens Vasters).

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Haacked En Espanol

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Luciano Spiguel just posted a partial translation of my post entitled Does Mort Know We’re Talking Smack About Him Behind His Back in Spanish. I’m actually quite honored that someone saw that as being worth a translation.

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What Is Microsoft's Project Q?

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Anyon Braid Illustation Scientific American has a fascinating article this month on Computing with Quantum Knots. In particular, it focuses on using topological properties of a two-dimensionaly confined particles called anyons. Needless to say, the only thing they’ve managed to tie in a knot so far is my brain. But the research is very promising.

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St Paddys Day In Iraq - And A Joke

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Clover My former neighbors who are now in Iraq helping the reconstruction efforts write about their St. Patrick’s day celebration in the IZ, aka “The Compound”.

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If You Cut A Mort, Does He Not Bleed?

Lazy Coder Scott snickers when he reads blog entries decrying the existence of “Mort”. As he points out, we are all Morts to some degree or another.

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See You At Mix06

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Well maybe not all of you. For example, I know Jayson isn’t going. Sucker. (Oooh, I just had to rub it in, didn’t I?). ;)

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Ready To Fire My QA Department

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Fire I have had it up to here (imagine my hand on my head) and I am ready to fire the damn QA department for my blog. Unfortunately I am the QA department, so things will be a little awkward around here till I find a replacement willing to take zero pay with no benefits.

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Basketball Social Engineering Hoax

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Security expert Bruce Schneier writes about a humorous, cruel, yet very clever social engineering hoax inflicted on a USC basketball player in the lead up to an important game.

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On10 Shows Potential

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So a little while ago I mentioned a new site named On10. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I was assured by Erik and Adam that it would be cool.

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Live Comment Preview In Three Easy Steps

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Several people have complimented the live comment preview used in my skin. Try leaving a comment and notice the preview mode underneath. It now even supports a few HTML tags. Unfortunately I haven’t updated the comment page to tell you which tags are supported. Doh!

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CSS Based Printing Tip

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This is a follow up tip to my post on Implementing CSS Based Printing.

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Artificial Deadlines Are The Devils Work

Artificial Teeth In my last post, I mentioned that even in high pressure situations, I would take my time and follow certain practices I believe lead to better code, even if it meant taking longer to complete the code.

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Developers Are Not Plug and Play

Plug and Play It never ceases to amaze me how short sighted management at many companies can be with software developers. Jeremy Miller mentions a discussion he had at the Austion Code Camp in which several developers were really unhappy with their work situations for very legitimate reasons.

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Implementing CSS Based Printing

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I don’t know about you, but when I find something wordy but really worth reading on the web, I print it out. Sure, I could try reading it on my tablet, but do you really want to deal with your tablet while reading in the…er… “office” if you know what I mean? *wink wink * *nudge nudge *

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New Word Of The Day - Whorosity

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Kent Sharkey comments on the necessity of marketing and advertising in general in response to Microsoft’s recent viral marketing efforts.

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Scott over at LazyCoder called me out in my comments for participating in Channel 9’s viral marketing campaign for On10.net, whatever that may be.

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Funny MySpace Reference In Boondocks Today

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The Boondocks cracked me up today.

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