The Kinney Redesign
Funniest Subtext Subversion Checkin So Far
I noticed the following checkin message in the subtext commits mailing list today (this is the mailing list in which we can receive Subversion checkin notifications).
Read MoreBlog Moved Off Of WebHost4Life
I recently moved my blog off of WebHost4Life where I have had it hosted for a couple years now. Apparently the traffic on my blog was causing a load on their servers. I never fully believed it was my blog’s fault since they didn’t give me any convincing evidence.
Read MoreUML Is Chinese To Me
Finally Pulling Out A Win
So after a few humiliating losses (in both soccer leagues I play in), we finally have a convincing win last night (5 to 2) in the Olympic league (the more competitive one). I even had a goal off of a dangerous cross that the defender tried to stop, but ended up deflecting it into the goal.
Read MoreCalling Dibs On Blogging
I love working with other
developers who are really excited about technology and the work we are
doing. As is characteristic of such an organization, there is a constant
flurry of IM messages and emails with links to interesting new
technologies and topics.
CoComment Now Enabled
Subtext Reaches A Thousand
Harman reports that
Subtext reached 1000
just recently on SourceForge.
Development Abstraction Layer
Joel Spolsky totally nails it this time with his article on the Developer Abstraction Layer. This is one of his better articles. It is a tad on the long side, but well worth the read. Try to get it in your manager’s hands.
Read MoreApologies For The Duplicate Posts
If you are seeing duplicate posts from my blog in your feed aggregator,
my apologies. I am dogfooding the latest development version of Subtext
straight from the Subversion repository. Unfortunately, my unit tests
did not catch the fact that I changed the link
and guid
from fully qualified to virtual URLs.
Rainbow Portal Looks To Implement Subtext For Blogging
Ramseur who works on
the Rainbow 2.0 Portal
looks like he has made progress inimplementing Subtext as the blogging
for Rainbow. That is pretty sweet.
One Red Paperclip
This is
one of the
most ingenious methods of self promotion I have ever seen. Not to
mention an interesting way to obtain a house.
Swinging With The Big Boys
emailed me to let me know that my
PageRank is now
- That puts me up in the ranks of the big guys like Scott Hanselman. Woohoo!
Stop The Window.Onload Madness
There are a lot
floating around the Intarweb these days that add cool behavior to web
pages. My favorites are the ones that you simply add to the
section of your website and control via
It is a great way to enhance structural html markup with
Making Microformats More Visible - Announcing The XFN Highlighter Script
UPDATE: The script now uses regular expressions. This fixes the problem where it translated met to me.
Read MoreLightbox JS 2.0 Released
brought a new level of hotness when it came to displaying pictures on
your website or blog. Reference the javascript file in your html page,
add a rel="lightbox"
to a link, and voila! You have a sweet way to
display pics. I even implemented it on my blog as evidenced by the image
below. Go ahead, click on it (assuming you are not reading this in an
CoComment Support in Subtext
Since I
was called
I went ahead and quickly implemented
CoComment for
Subtext, but I
have yet to deploy it to my personal blog. It will be released as part
of our upcoming interim release which is focused on bug fixes
and a few developer goodies thrown in.
Writing For A Book Exposes My Ignorance
I was recently approached by some people I know purely through blogging and IM conversations to write on a topic for a book they are putting together. Of course I was honored and appreciative that they thought of me, even after finding out there would be no payment for the work. Doh!
Read MoreGetting A Jump on Web 2.1 aka Web 2007
Despite the apparent hype factor of “Web 2.0”, I am really starting to get into the whole Web 2.0 phenomena. I think it really clicked when hearing about it in various panel discussions at Mix06.
Back from Puerto Vallarta
In case you were wondering how such a loudmouth as myself could be so
quiet for four days and three nights, my wife and I were in Puerto
Vallarta enjoying a real vacation. By “real” I mean completely devoid of
work. I didn’t so much as walk into a cyber cafe (though I did peer real
hard inside).