Anatomy Of A Phishing Attack

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So in the hustle and bustle of trying to get my Yahoo account back (it has been returned), I forgot to show some love for JackAce of the Code Turkey blog. He and I used to work at SkillJam and he was the one who alerted me via email that my account had been jacked.

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You Know You Work Too Much

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When your company installs one of these babies for you.

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Protect Yourself From Credit Fraud With A Fraud Alert

Stop Fraud! So after getting my Yahoo password phished, my wife reminded me that we should put a fraud alert on our credit file. I first heard about this from my friend Walter a while ago, but we never got around to it.

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Victim Of A Yahoo Messenger Phishing Attack

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Fish UPDATE:I am back in business. I have re-obtained control over my Yahoo account. So the IM messages you receive from me are really from me. I won’t make this mistake twice.

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Security Argument Against Homogeneity

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Well this recent phishing attack is clear demonstration of the inherent dangers of homogeneity. Biologists and epidemologists have known this stuff for decades. Having given out my Yahoo password would have been much more disastrous if I was using Yahoo for my primary email address. Fortunately I use Gmail. Imagine the damage had I given out my Passport password. Egads!

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Blood And Guts When CodingHorror Visits Haacked

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Prolific blogger Mr. Jeff Atwood, author of the CodingHorror blog, paid us a surprise visit last night. He is in town for a couple of days to do something or other unimportant. He tried to explain something about presenting Team System to important people but all I heard was “blah blah TS blah blah”.

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Subtext Cruising In CruiseControl.NET

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Cruise Control Logo With many thanks to Simone Chiaretta (blog in Italian) for his effort, we now have a working CruiseControl.NET setup for Subtext. Check out the chrome (or lack thereof) on our CCNET dashboard.

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PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance Weirdness When Debug Set To False In Web.config

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This is a story of intrigue.

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Black Rock City Bound

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Yes, yet again I have purchased tickets to Burning Man scheduled for August 28 through September 4, 2006. And you better believe I am bringing the prep back!

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Absolutely Livid

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I am absolutely livid with my company’s bank right now and I need to blow off some steam. We had two recent deposits reversed because of a missing endorsement. This is odd because I am always careful to sign every check. Well it turns out that they changed their endorsement policy on March 31 and didn’t bother to notify us.

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Negative Base Numbering Systems

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UPDATE: I updated the article a bit to better explain decimal expansion to negabinary

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A Day Without Immigrants

Downtown Los Angeles experienced a huge march today to protest bill HR 4437 and support immigrant rights and immigration reforms. I had been waffling about attending since I really hate driving to downtown (bad traffic and parking), but realized that since both my mother and my wife are immigrants, I ought to come out and show some support. An IM from my friend Kyle telling me I won’t regret it also served to jolt me out of my complacency.

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ASP.NET 2.0 MVP Hacks and
Tips Scott Hanselman mentions a new book in which he is one of the coauthors featured on the cover. Yes, they do look like they are throwing the twelve sided dice on a table with meticulously painted miniatures. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you have never embraced the inner geek.

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Zidane Possibly Moving To Los Angeles

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Zinedine Zidane I hear from a fairly reliable source that after the World Cup, Zinedine Zidane plans to move to Los Angeles to get into some kind of entertainment. That in and of itself is not exceedingly interesting. However, this source also tells me that Zidane has been offered a spot on the Hollywood United roster thanks to the other ex-French national team player, Frank LeBeouf.

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You've Been Haacked 1K Times

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Axe Well this post marks my 1000th post on this blog. Since I am totally on board with the base 10 system, that makes this noteworthy to me. If we all used the hexadecimal system (base 16), then this post would be my 3E8th post which really wouldn’t warrant me even mentioning it in the first place. Be glad we are on base 10.

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Open Source Distinction And Search

Scott makes a great distinction between Open Source code and Source Out in the open.

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Watching The MLS Is Like Self Flaggelation

This weekend I went to see the Los Angeles Galaxy play with my wife and some friends. What a disappointing game that was! Despite having discount tickets (only $10) we felt totally ripped off. During the whole game, my teammate and I were joking that “Ronaldinho would’ve made that play.”

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[SQL] Create a Job to Backup and FTP Your Database

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In two earlier posts I presented a couple of SQL stored procedures that I promised to tie together. The first procedure generates a random time of day and the second can be used to FTP a file from within SQL Server.

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[SQL] Stored Procedure To FTP Files From SQL Server

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This is another useful Sql Server Stored Procedure I found on the net written by Nigel Rivett.

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[SQL] Stored ProcedureTo Generate Random Time of Day

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Here is a function that will generate a random time of day. Later I will show why I am posting this particular query and how I am using it. It comes in useful when trying create random scheduled jobs in SQL Server. I made use of a technique for generating random dates via Jon Galloway.

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