Tag Your Database - A Data Dictionary Tool
A few days back Jon Galloway and I were discussing a task he was working on to document a database for a client. He had planned to use some code generation to initially populate a spreadsheet and would fill in the details by hand. I suggested he store the data with the schema using SQL extended properties.
Read MoreWhich Version of Version?
As developers, I think we tend to take the definition of Version for granted. What are the components of a version? Well that’s easy, it is:
Read MoreLog4Net Troubleshooting
When Log4Net doesn’t work, it can be a very frustrating experience. Unlike your typical application library, log4net doesn’t throw exceptions when it fails. Well that is to be expected and makes a lot of sense since it is a logging library. I wouldn’t want my application to fail because it had trouble logging a message.
Read MoreCategories vs Tags
Duncan Mackenzie writes about the issue of Categories vs Tags in blogs and blog editors. I tried to comment there with my thoughts, but received some weird javascript errors.
Read MoreLightweight Invisible CAPTCHA Validator Control
UPDATE: This code is now hosted in the Subkismet project on CodePlex.
Read MoreSubtext Akismet API
Akismet is all the rage among the kids these days for blocking comment spam. Started by the founder of Wordpress, Matt Mullenweg, Akismet is a RESTful web service used to filter comment spam. Simply submit a comment to the service and it will give you a thumbs up or thumbs down on whether it thinks the comment is spam.
Read MoreStinkin' Jersey
There’s nothing worse than waking up on game day and realizing you forgot to wash your soccer jersey from last game.
Read MoreLaptop Warmer Anecdote
I saw this story on the debugging section of Anecdota and thought it was funny, though I find it hard to believe.
Read MoreSubtext Success Story
Conceptus, a client of my company, recently launched not one, but two blogs using Subtext.
Read MoreMy Third Blog
Way back when I announced the first Roadmap for Subtext, I stated that Subtext would remove the multiple blogs feature and only support a single blog. Fortunately I was persuaded by many commenters to abandon that change and continue to support multiple blogs. Instead, I set out to simplify the process of configuring multiple blogs.
Read MoreAnother Marginally Useful Tool - BatchConcat
UPDATE: In one comment, szeryf points out something I didn’t know and invalidates the need for the tool I wrote. This is why I post this stuff, so someone can tell me about a better way! Thanks szeryf! I’ve updated the post to point out the better technique.
Read MoreThe Mix Conferences Will End With 09
I am going to pull a Nostradamus here and predict that the Mix series of conferences (did I ever tell you how much I loved Mix06?) will end with Mix09 if they even reach that point. Why do I make this prediction? Because Microsoft has Mix07.com, Mix08.com, and Mix09.com registered, but not Mix10.com (although mix010.com is available at the moment). ;)
Read MoreThe Medicis, The Music Industry, And Open Source Software
Batch SVN Rename
Jon Galloway is my batch file
hero. He’s the one who introduced me to the FOR %%A in ...
Batch Encode Text Files
I hesitate to blog this because this tool is really really really really rough, quick, and dirty. As in it needs a big ol’ box of Tide.
Read MoreShare In My Stupidity
In general I like to regale my readers with stories of my brave accomplishments, ideally embellished to make me look like a hero.
Read MorePlease Vote On This Atlas Javascript Bug
UPDATE: Looks like this will get fixed in the next release according to a comment on Steve’s blog.
Read MorePlaya Creature
Atlas Comment Spam Heuristics
Remember my recent post in which I suggested that we need more heuristic approaches to the comment spam problem?
Read MoreThink I'm Just Too White And Nerdy
UPDATE: Via Dare I learned that the video was leaked to YouTube prior to its world premier and has been taken down. You can find the song on Weird Al’s MySpace page. I’ve updated my link.
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