UPDATE: Buying LCD Monitors.
In a previous
I mentioned that I bought an LCD monitor from some unknow Yahoo store.
Well I recieved it yesterday and I can’t tell you how happy I am with
it. I’ve never seen such a nice, well built, sharp LCD. It took my eyes
a few minutes to adjust as I think they’ve grown accustomed to blurry
text. In any case, the store sells it for $399.00 (includes shipping)
which is a steal. Here’s the URL
Ummm... oh shit...
The Onion Taken Seriously
I’m not one to act like an elitist snob and
make fun of stupid people. Ok, who am I kidding. I do like to make fun
of stupid people. Especially those with no sense of humor. Wired News
has this great
about how many people take The
Onion as serious news.
The Apprentice meets Top Model
Looks like four of the women in the Apprentice posed for FHM. They were offered $250,000 to pose for Playboy, but chose to pose for free for FHM instead.
Read MoreNew William Hung Music Video
Geeking out to the 3rd edition Player's Handbook.
DISCLAIMER: When I say Player’s
handbook, I’m not talking about a “Playa’s Handbook”. The book I am
referencing is absolutely the WRONG thing to read if you want to pick up
chicks. I’m already married, so I can bring this stuff out.
Car Accident
I have a perfect eagle eye view of a car accident that just happened on San Vicente. Looks like a gray SUV slammed into the side of a little red civic or corolla (can’t tell from here on the 17th floor). Funny how all these cars are slowly driving around it as it blocks most of the intersection. They just want to get on with their lives. Both passengers walked out of the car and seem to be having a civil conversation about it.
Read MoreYahoo Launches Soul-Search Engine (The Onion)
All moved in...
We’re all moved in to our new place. I took a personal day Monday so that we could put the place together and not have to live in a huge mess. Much love to Dan, Micah, and Matt for helping with the heavy lifting.
Read MoreRumsfield Sound Bytes Of The Week
Looking for a JOB?
I know someone looking to fill a .NET developer position. They’re paying around 75K for someone with around 2+ years of experience with ASP.NET, C#, etc… Let me know if you know someone who might be interested.
Read MoreBlast from the past
I was recently contacted by a Contractor that I worked with a loooong time ago, Hi Thomas! Funny thing is, he contacted me because he was trying to find information about Reporting Services. My former employer is all over the place when you search on those two terms.
Read MoreWe're Homeowners!
It’s finally official. We are legally,
emotionally, officially, proud owners of a townhouse style condo. For
you non-LA people, I could buy a 5 bedroom estate in Anchorage, Alaska
for what we’re paying. Heck, I could buy a 5 bedroom house in Seattle or
Say No To Drugs and Yes! to Spying.
Koba pointed this one out to me. It’s the CIA’s Homepage for Kids. Have your budding spykid check out this page and report to the Dept of Homeland Security pronto!
Read MoreWhy is LSD use down
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LSD use is way down in recent years, according to arrest records, hospital records, and surveys with high schoolers. Slate looked into it, and came up with two reasons why. First and foremost, the DEA busted a couple of guys in rural Kansas back in 2000, who supplied 95 percent of the country’s acid. The other reason is the breakup of the Grateful Dead.
“The LSD market took an earlier blow in 1995, when Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia died and the band stopped touring. For 30 years, Dead tours were essential in keeping many LSD users and dealers connected, a correlation confirmed by the DEA in a divisional field assessment from the mid-‘90s. The spring following Garcia’s death (the season the MTF surveys are administered), annual LSD use among 12th-graders peaked at 8.8 percent and began their slide. Phish picked up part of the Dead’s fan base—and presumably vestiges of the LSD delivery system. At the end of 2000, Phish stopped touring as well, and perhaps not coincidentally, the MTF numbers for LSD began to plummet.”
Weekend Update
I don’t know if you caught Saturday Night
Live this weekend, but the Donald was hosting. He was a bombastic, self
aggrandizing, braggart in true Trump fashion. For some reason, it just
works for him.
One Tough woman!
Read MoreReuters - A woman in Mexico gave birth to a healthy baby boy after performing a Caesarian section on herself with a kitchen knife, doctors said Tuesday.
Embedding Unit tests
I just read Bruce Eckel’s blog
entry about embedding unit tests
in code. Ideally, he’d like compiler support in programming languages
for unit tests.
Sake Used to Make Wooden Speakers
Found this on Slashdot. I already am a big fan of Sake, but who knew it was so versatile?
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