My wife, the Google AdSense clicker...
If you read my blog in an aggregator, you probably haven’t noticed the little advertisements at the top of the page. These ads are served from Google as part of their AdSense program and require a bit of javascript to display (hence they do not show up in individual blog postings as I intended).
Read MoreCorn syrup: the sticky kiiller
File this one in the “I told you so” category.
Read MoreWeekend Update - Go Lakers!
During our internet access drought after
moving into our new place, I would check my wife’s email for her at
work. Since I had access to her account, I thought I would add my RSS
feed to her “My Yahoo” page so that my headlines appear. She thought it
was neat, but then complained that my content is pure geek.
The New And More Potent Off-Shoring Threat
Enhancing Your .Text Blog - Allowing Readers to Rate Blog Entries
Chris Sells Is Going To Burning Man
Unfortunately, my plans for going
to Burning Man this year are not to be. However, it looks like Mr. Sells
and his wife are going.
RatingAPI Revisited
After reading up on the CommentAPI, if I were to write the RatingAPI, I’d pretty much plagiarize the CommentAPI but only make the following changes:
Read MoreNew RSS Bandit Formatter Stylesheet - C64
I was fooling around with
building a custom stylesheet for formatting RSS items within RSS Bandit
and I created one that tries to emulate the Commodore 64 look and feel.
While it is possible to download the exact font used by the 64, I chose
not to require a font download and instead chose Terminal. It is close
enough and exists on most machines. If you want this style for yourself,
download the template
here and save it to
the following directory (assuming a default installation):
XEarth For Windows
For you grizzled Unix hacks out there,
this might be old news, but I just learned of a really neat tool that
I’m sure will appeal to the geophysicist in each of us (or at least
Tweekend - The Crystal Method
Pulled this classic CD out of the crate
for a little funky listening today. It starts off with a robotic funky
track in “PHD” and progresses through some ragin’ rock in “Name of the
Game” before settling down into a lush soundscape with “Blowout”, my
favorite track on the CD.
The Ultimate Business Plan.
A friend of mine told me about a deal his company is working on in which an dot com internet company which was valued at around a couple million dollars a few years ago has now reached an agreement to be sold for a couple hundred million. He’s not at liberty to discuss which company (so we can buy up its stock), but the company does not deal with rocket science.
Read MoreSurvey Unveils What Happens in Bedroom
This is the type of research that keeps the head of
Ikea rich rich rich…
Soccer Player Scores World's Fastest Goal
I once scored even faster than
this… oh wait, we’re talking soccer here.
LostYouth is back...
Back in the day, amidst all the stupidity prevalent on the web, there was one site that dared to raise the banner and take the stupidity one step higher. That site was, my friends,
Read MorePage 23
Read More“Unfortunately, the regular expression language is no different from any other in that it has various dialects and accents” – Masting Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
TimedLock revisited
In an earlier blog entry, I asked the question if it made sense to add code in a debug version of the TimedLock class (written by Ian Griffiths in this post and commented on by Eric Gunnerson in this post) to store the stack trace when acquiring a lock on an object so that if another thread blocks an attempt to acquire a TimedLock, we can discover the StackTrace of the blocking thread.
Read MoreWindows 2003 Installation Blunder
I’ve spent the last 3 days trying to get an installation of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise edition onto a Virtual PC machine. I couldn’t understand why it took so long until I realized I had accidentally selected the ISO image for the checked debug version. Arggggg!!! How stupid is that!?
Read MoreNew Edition Of Code Complete
Code Complete by Steve
McConnell was the first programming book that had me glued to its pages
as one would read a page turner thrilling novel. I couldn’t put it down.
I still have several scars from the many obstacles I would walk into as
I read the book and attempted to carry on my normal business. It’s that
MUST SEE: Skateboarding Bull Dog
You’ve got to see this to believe it.
Event Log Monitoring via RSS
This is freakin’ awesome! Greg
Reinacker writes some sample code to generate an RSS feed from the
Windows Event Log. This is a simple idea, but very useful for those of
us who monitor EVERYTHING via an RSS Aggregator. Event Log Monitoring