"You have summoned an elemental" The good ol' days of gaming...

C64It was really just a side question of this post on Rory’s blog having nothing to do with the main topic (some blather about Jury duty bla bla bla). For 50 bonus points, the question was what game featured the quote “You have summoned an elemental”?

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ASP.NET Function of the Day: SessionId is "Too Legit to Quit".

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So I was poking around the source code for how ASP.NET initiates session state etc… and noticed this method of the SessionId class. You gotta love the naming of this one. Steve McConnell (via Code Complete) would probably have recommended something like “IsValid” but he has no imagination nor flair.

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Quiz Answer: Watch out for the Eeeevil Thread.Abort.

Yesterday I posted a little quiz with an example of an HttpHandler implemented as an ASHX file.

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Church Sign Generator

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My buddy Dan sent this site to me. You can generate your own church signs.

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QUIZ - What's Wrong With This Code?

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This is a simplified version of a sneaky bug I ran into today (I’m fine thank you, but the bug is dead). The only prize I can offer is a GMail account if you want one.

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Now that GMail has POP3

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I’ve resisted it, but I think I may change my primary email adress from Yahoo! to Gmail. You can probably guess what my Gmail email is…

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ATI Radeon Control Center uses .NET

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ATI Radeon I’m currently updating my device driver for my ATI Radeon 9700 at work (I now have a new 17” LCD monitor that supports portrait mode) and noticed that to install the CATALYST Control Center, .NET 1.1 is required. See for yourself.

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Recently my company (which was a division of Company X) was purchased by Company Y. Company Y is based outside of the country and we are a fully owned subsidiary and make up their U.S. presence.

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View of the Sunset from my Office

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Long Computer Use May Be Linked to Eye Disease (Reuters)

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Sobering news for the “short-sighted” computer geeks among us.

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MLS Cup 2004

MLS I watched DC United take on Kansas City today for the MLS Cup 2004. The great thing about soccer in the U.S. is that I can get tickets for the national championshipship the day before for a decent price. Unfortunately that’s also the problem with U.S. soccer. The quality of play is nowhere near a Premiership game or Bundesliga.

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How 'Dungeons' changed the world

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AD&D I’ll come out of the closet and admit that I used to play this game with an almost fanatic interest. My first exposure to the game was in Spain when several other military brats in my apartment complex introduced me to a twenty sided die (1d20). By the time I moved to Guam, I was hooked. I started a group there with an unlikely band of friends: a Hawaiian volleyball player, half-thai skateboarder dude, heavy metal rocker, etc… and we were destroyers of worlds.

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More on Terminating Threads and the depravity of Thread.Abort

In response to Ian’s post on thread.abort, Richard Blewett points out a situation when the thread you are attempting to cancel can’t check the volatile book flag to determine whether it should cancel itself or not.

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How To Stop a Thread in .NET (and Why Thread.Abort is Evil)

Ian Griffiths (one of my favorite tech bloggers) wrote this fine piece on why Thread.Abort is a representation of all that is evil and threatens the American (and British) way of life.

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Synchronization Software?

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So now that I have a second Windows box (and third computer in the house), I’m soliciting recommendations for good synchronization software. Ideally I’d like something where I could configure which directories and files get synchronized and it happens seamlessly any time the Tablet connects to the home network.

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RSS Bandit Code Documentation (CHM)

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Using NDoc I’ve generated an update version of the CHM code documentation for RSS Bandit. As you’ll see (if you take a look) this documentation is by no means complete. Many of the public methods need better documentation. Also, there are no Namespace summaries yet. I plan to spend some time adding these summaries and some higher level API documentation.

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My Tablet PC has arrived! Polling for Suggestions.

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Toshiba Portege M205 Wohoo! And it is a thing of beauty. Unfortunately I’ve been crazy busy lately so I don’t have any pictures so you’ll have to settle for this stock photo.

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Nice Windows XP Theme

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This is a very nice theme intended for Windows Media Center 2005, but available for Windows XP.

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Olympic Ceremonies Music

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Parade of the
AthletesWhen the Olympics occurred, one of my favorite DJs spun for the opening ceremonies. Unfortunately I missed it, but I had heard good buzz about his performance. Now he’s come out with a CD called “Parade of the Athletes”. I have a feeling that if you liked the music he played for the Olympics, you’ll like this cd.

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1 Year Mark

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Today I’ve been at my current employer for one year.

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