The Rule of One Pain at a Time
I’ve talked before about the various physical pains that software developers face on the job. For me, it seems that my pain likes to migrate around my body. If I have pain, it almost always seems to be one at a time.
Read MoreContact Form Works
My Contact Me page works again. Sorry for the prior inconvenience.
Read MoreShould Unit Tests Touch the Database?
UPDATE: For the most part, I think young Phil Haack is full of shit in these first two paragraphs. I definitely now think unit tests should NOT touch the database. Instead, I do separate those into a separate integration test suite, as I had suggested in the last paragraph. So maybe Young Phil wasn’t so full of shit after all.
Read MorePatterns in Number Sequences
You know you’re a big geek when a sequence of numbers with an interesting property just pops in your head. No, I’m not talking about myself (this time). Jayson Knight is the big geek as he noticed a pattern in a sequence of numbers that popped in his head…
Read MoreDigging Deeper Into the Triangular Series
In my last post, I didn’t explain the pattern to Jayson’s satisfaction and I had a typo in my proof that I have since corrected.
Read MoreTransaction Timeout When Using the RollBack Attribute
I noticed a recent check-in has added a TimeOut
property to the
attribute in MbUnit. Woohoo!
The Problem With Extremism
The problem with extremists is that they inevitably color the mainstream’s perception of a thing, whether it be a race, a culture, or a software development practice.
Read MoreTwo Words That Always Put a Smile On My Face...
Read MoreOpen Bar
Switching to MbUnit
For the longest time now, I’ve been a fan of MbUnit, but never really used it on a real project. In part, I stuck with NUnit despite MbUnit’s superiority because NUnit was the defacto standard.
Read MoreUnit Testing Loves Beta Testing And Vice Versa
Jeff links to a post by Wil Shipley criticizing unit testing. You knew I had to chime in on this… ;)
Read MoreIt's Raining in Southern California
It rained the night before last night (with Thunder!) and it rained last night and it is still raining. I think the forces of nature conspire against me. I have no choice but to crawl up back into bed with a good book and listen to the rain. If a nap should overtake me, so be it.
Read MoreWriting Custom Exceptions Using Resharper Live Templates
Writing proper custom exceptions can amount to a lot of busy work. Oh
sure, it’s easy to simply inherit from System.Exception
and stop
there. But try running that baby through FxCop or passing that exception
across AppDomains and you’re in for a world of hurt (hyperbole alert!).
Fatwa Against Soccer
It appears that one Islamic extremist has issued a Fatwa against playing soccer by the regular rules. Here are some choice examples.
Read MoreDecompression
My weekends just seem to get better and better every week. Since going independent and then starting a company with a friend, my work weeks have been much more enjoyable. Fortunately, my weekends have kept up as well.
Read MoreThe Simple Answer To VS.NET Designer Woe
It’s happened to all of us. You are happily coding along (in Visual Studio .NET 1.x), minding your own business when you decide to switch from the code view to the designer and back to the code view. That’s when you experience…The Woe.
Read MoreConnecting to Terminal Services When All Active Sessions are Used
UPDATE: If you are using Windows Server 2008, the switch is /admin
not /console
. See this post for details.
Humans Are Not Random Number Generators
There’s an interesting discussion in the comments on the Coding Horror blog in which Jeff suggests that
Read MoreVideo IPod
You knew it was coming…
Read MoreTeaching Solid HTML and CSS Production Work
I want to teach a friend everything I know about HTML Production work (which won’t take long). By production work, I mean the process of receiving a Photoshop file, cutting it up, and producing nice clean semantic (X)HTML and CSS.
Read MoreWho The Hell Cares What a Blogger Is Listening To?
Every now and then on various blogs (including mine), you’ll notice a little snippet at the bottom of a post that looks something like…
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