Hosting Your Own Local and Remote NuGet Feeds

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Note: Everything I write here is based on a very early pre-release version of NuGet (formerly known as NuPack) and is subject to change.

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Updating NuGet Contributor Guidelines

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A couple days ago I wrote a blog post entitled, Running Open Source In A Distributed World which outlined some thoughts I had about how managing core contributors to an open source project changes when you move from a centralized version control repository to distributed version control.

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NuGet Up For Grabs Items

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In my last post, I described how we’re trying to improve and streamline contributor guidelines to make it easy for others to contribute to NuGet.

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Running Open Source In A Distributed World

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When it comes to running an open source project, the book Producing Open Source Software - How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Karl Fogel (free pdf available) is my bible (see my review and summary of the book).

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Introducing NuGet Package Manager

NuGet (recently renamed from NuPack) is a free open source developer focused package manager intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development.

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Beta Released

UPDATE: This post is a out of date. We recently released the Release Candidate for ASP.NET MVC 3.

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UrlScan Broke My Blog (And How I Fixed It)

By now, you’re probably aware of a serious ASP.NET Vulnerability going around. The ASP.NET team has been working around the clock to address this. Quite literally as last weekend, I came in twice over the weekend (to work on something unrelated) to find people working to address the exploit.

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Overriding a .svc Request With Routing

I was drawn to an interesting question on StackOverflow recently about how to override a request for a non-existent .svc request using routing.

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Attention Denizens of Black Rock City

Our eye in the sky reports two angry evil (but devishly good looking) cyborg units, XSP 2000 and TRS-80, are fast approaching Black Rock City. They are considered very armed and dangerous. In fact, they are mostly armed and not much else.

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We're Not Paid To Write Code

On Twitter yesterday I made the following comment:

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More Versioning Fun With Optional Arguments

In my last blog post, I covered some challenges with versioning methods that differ only by optional parameters. If you haven’t read it, go read it. If I do say so myself, it’s kind of interesting. ;) In this post, I want to cover another very subtle versioning issue with using optional parameters.

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Versioning Issues With Optional Arguments

One nice new feature introduced in C# 4 is support for named and optional arguments. While these two features are often discussed together, they really are orthogonal concepts.

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Creating Copies of Attributes

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UPDATE: A reader named Matthias pointed out there is a flaw in my code. Thanks Matthias! I’ve corrected it in my GitHub Repository. The code would break if your attribute had an array property or constructor argument.

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Dynamic Methods in View Data

In ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1, we introduced some syntactic sugar for creating and accessing view data using new dynamic properties.

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 Released

UPDATE: This post is a out of date. We recently released the Release Candidate for ASP.NET MVC 3.

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Uploading a File (Or Files) With ASP.NET MVC

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I wanted to confirm something about how to upload a file or set of files with ASP.NET MVC and the first search result for the phrase “uploading a file with mvc” is Scott Hanselman’s blog post on the topic.

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Razor View Syntax

UPDATE: Check out my Razor View Syntax Quick Reference for a nice quick reference to Razor.

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Back from Alaska With A New Release of Subtext

My son and I returned from a week long vacation to visit my parents in Anchorage Alaska last night. Apparently, having the boys out of the house was quite the vacation for my wife as well. :)

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Null Or Empty Coalescing

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In my last blog post, I wrote about the proper way to check for empty enumerations and proposed an IsNullOrEmpty method for collections which sparked a lot of discussion.

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Checking For Empty Enumerations

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While spelunking in some code recently I saw a method that looked something like this:

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