The Server. The Server. The Server's On Fire.

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Participating in a Fox Sports World Soccer Focus Group

Fox Sports World is undertaking strategic initiatives regarding the branding, on-air look, and marketing of the channels. As a soccer fan (and a friend of an FSW exec) I’ve been invited to participate in a focus group to evaluate their projects tonight. My main suggestion will be start a new channel devoted to soccer. FSS (Fox Sports Soccer).

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Craig Says Tabs Are Evil, But I Like Them

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Bandwidth-gobbling RSS aggregators: foiled!

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This is great! Rather than wait for all the RSS Aggregators to properly use the If-Modified-Since header, implement it on the server instead via an IP address and User Agent combination. Now your first thought is probably “Wait, that’s not perfect. What about users of internet providers such as AOL which uses a shared pool of IP Addresses?”

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Why You Shouldn't Be Using a Password Of Any Kind

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Robert Hensing, a senior member of Microsoft’s PSS Security Response Team, writes this enlightening post why passwords are so 5 minutes ago.

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Unit Testing is a Poor Example to Demonstrate a Complaint About Methodologies

Although I agree in spirit with most of Joel’s discussion of methodologies and rock star programmers, I’m in a bit of disagreement over the quote from Tamir he posts.

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Soccer And Rain

Soccer Ball Americans often have a low view of soccer players (though that is changing in recent years). They don’t think of the sport as physical as football or even basketball. However from my experience, soccer players are every bit as tough as their counterparts in other sports.

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An Improved Plugin for Using w.bloggar with RSS Bandit

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Recently I received some kind words from Scott Reynolds regarding my “excellent tutorial” on writing IBlogExtensions for RSS Bandit. Using my tutorial, he wrote a plug-in to send items in RSS Bandit to One Note. (There’s another plug-in that does the same thing here).

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Touched Some Dry Ice Today

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Ouch that smarts!

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In Toronto Today, Off to New York Tomorrow

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I arrived in Toronto today and am staying at a very nice hotel. It’s called the SoHo Metropolitan and it sure beats the Super 8 I stayed in at Tech Ed 2004 (next door to Adam Kinney and Eric Porter). It’s too bad I’m only here one night as I was hoping to have time to check out the well equipped gym.

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Creating Self Contained NUnit Tests Requiring A Web Server

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This is a fabulous post (did I just say “fabulous”?) on how to create self contained NUnit tests when you need a web server.

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Blogging and Rebuilding Baghdad

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My neighbor Chris is in Iraq as the #2 guy overseeing rebuilding projects as part of the Army Corp of Engineer. He’ll be over there for several months helping to rebuild the facilities necessary for providing clean drinking water and electricity.

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SQL TIP: Connection To SQL via Windows Authentication over VPN

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I’m posting this great tip so I can find it later and for your benefit.

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Rating Plug-In for RSS Bandit

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NOTE: This plug-in is no longer available or supported

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Hi My Name Is Phil And I'm A Blogaholic

I think it’s about time to found a group devoted to helping blogging addicts deal with a new and pervasive addiction. This occurred to me the other day when my wife needed help putting away the dishes and I mumbled something about “Only 86 more entries to go in Scoble’s link blog.”

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The One Note Metaphor for the Tablet PC May Be Too Good

Today was my first day bringing the Tablet PC to work and I immediately put it to good use. I think that the paper pad metaphor that One Note uses may be implemented too well.

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Dave Winer for President?

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Dave claims that inhaling puts him out of the running for President.

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This Is Patently Out Of Control!

From the Wintellect blog.

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Organizing VS.NET projects and Solutions

Colin asks the question “How do you organize your code?” and then goes on to describe the system in use at his shop.

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Meta Programming Paradigm

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The geeks are abuzz about Sergey Dmitriev’s article on Language oriented progamming and the Meta Programming system. It’s a worthwhile read and may be a harbringer of the future of software development.

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