Why Is rel="nofollow" important?

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There’s a debate going on about how effective the rel=”nofollow” solution really is. Some believe that Google is flattering itself by thinking that the primary motivation for comment spam is Google juice.

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Looking Directly At Me Is Forbidden

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From now on, no person, whether an individual or a body corporate, shall look directly upon my person nor speak of me without my written permission. I was inspired to enact this notice by this tidbit from Raymen Chen.

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It's Official, Monday January 24 To Be The Wost Day Of The Year

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A Dr. at Cardiff University has created a scientific formula to prove that January 24th will be the worst day of the year.

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An Open Message To Comment Spammers

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MonkeyHello y’all. In case you haven’t noticed, links in my comments now have a rel=”nofollow” attribute attached. That means no more Google juice when you post a list of links in the comments section of my site. So you can stop now. No really. Move along. No point in comment spamming here.

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Image Based CAPTCHA Is Fast Losing It's Appeal

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I read an article recently that talked about how ticket scalpers have a 10% success rate against TicketMaster’s CAPTCHA controls. That might not seem like a very good rate, but when you have an automated process attacking it, 10% is plenty good.

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Setbacks In Iraqi Reconstruction

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My neighbor Chris is working for the Army Corps of Engineers on several construction projects in Iraq to help rebuild their infrastructure. While they’ve enjoyed some success, they also have their fair share of setbacks.

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rel="nofollow" Fix Applied

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I applied a patch to my .Text installation as recommended by Scott Watermasysk in this entry of his blog.

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Schwimmer's Clarifies His Bloglines Stance

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Schwimmer makes some good points in his clarification to his decision to ask Bloglines to remove his feed. A few points in particular warrant further discussion.

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Nerd Score - Because I Had To Know

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I never fill out these silly surveys and usually make fun of those who do. But I succumbed to peer pressure this time. Apparently I’m a Nerd King God, I don’t know whether to be proud or insulted.

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Word Choice May Haunt Your Blog

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Saw this on Scoble’s link blog.

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Living La Vida Gadget

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I love me some electronic gadgets.

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A Simple Solution To Schwimmer's Issue With Bloglines

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I’ve just removed Martin Schwimmerfrom my subscription list. Why? Because he doesn’t want his posts reprinted in Bloglines (and, I assume, in sites like my link site).

The real trick here is: if you don’t want your full posts reprinted somewhere else, don’t put them into RSS. That’s one reason most commercial sites don’t include full content in their feeds.

I don’t mind that Bloglines reprints my content and I don’t mind that anyone using an RSS News Aggregator looks at my content without seeing my design or my navigation links or my email address or cell phone number.

If I did care, I’d switch my RSS feeds to only shove out partial content, or I’d delete my RSS feed altogether.

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Jet Lag is Kicking My Butt

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I keep waking up at 4:30 AM wide eyes open, too wired to sleep, too tired to think straight. At least I won’t be late for basketball this morning.

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HOWTO: Hack iPod into iPod Shuffle

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Hmm, I’ll have to try this…

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Home Sweet Home in Los Angeles

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We have perfect timining. We arrived in Los Angeles this morning to beautiful blue skies. Rumor has it that it’s been raining for the past four days or so, but I don’t believe it.

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Speaking of Sake, Here's a Bottle in the Shape of a Castle

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Due to my love for sake, my father-in-law gave this bottle to me as a parting gift.

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I Ate Blowfish (Fugu) and Lived To Blog About It

Do you remember that episode of the Simpsons (number 24 to be exact) where Homer takes his family to a Japanese restaurant and orders the blowfish? Yeah, me too.

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Burning Man Tickets are on Sale

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Burning Man First level:
10,000 tickets at $175
Limit 2 tickets per person
Internet sales\

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On Seppuku, Katanas, and Samurai

Yesterday, along with Akumi’s uncle Tadashi, we visited her grandmother at a rest home. She’s a spunky 90 year old woman and gives me great insight into where Akumi gets her rebellious nature from. We took her for a walk and I jumped onto a thin railing. Her reflex wasn’t to wave me down for my safety, it was to reach out as if to push me off and cause me to crack my skull. We made sure to push her wheelchair to the edge of the river as if to push her in. We all had a good laugh afterwards.

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Is It Me Or Is Google Down?

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I can’t access Google, Gmail, or BlogSpot. Gmail.com (which used to redirect to my Gmail account) now takes me to http://www.gmail.com.org/. However I can get to microsoft.com etc…

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