Valentine Is The Day For No Good Low Down Dirty Cheaters To Get Caught

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Candy Hearts Read this interesting post by security expert Bruce Schneier on how Valentine’s day is the day when cheating spouses are most likely to trip up.

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The Missing Detail of of New Human Machine Interfaces

Multi-Touch UI By now just about everybody is ooh-ing and aww-ing over this demonstration video showing multiple users on a single touch and pressure sensitive graphical user interface.

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Prevent Windows Update Automated Reboots

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Jon Galloway has a useful post on how to prevent windows from automatically rebooting your machine during automatic updates. Useful information if you like to keep programs running.

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Playing Soccer Against Former National Team Players

Soccer Ball I’ve joined a group of soccer players attempting to form a team to get into a 30 and over league that hosts games on much nicer fields. These are the fields with that really nice high quality artificial turf, a huge difference over the pock-marked dirt/grass fields of my current league. The play in this league is also at a much higher level than my current league and they are very particular about which teams they let in. They judge teams on ability, sportsmanship, and organization.

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On Religious Wars in Software

Toy Soldier With Bazooka No, this isn’t a revisionist history account attempting to insert the role of software in the Crusades. Today we take a look at Religious Wars in software. Sometimes also referred to as “Flame Wars” and “Holy Wars”.

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Face Recognition That Is Just Wrong On So Many Levels

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So after reading this post by Scott Hanselman, I just had to try it out. He writes about a site called MyHeritage that attempts to match your face to celebrities and relatives.

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Make Sure Your Cache Takes Into Localization

Recently I added some seemingly innocent code to Subtext within the Application_BeginRequest method of Global.asax.cs that I adapted from this blog post by Darren Neimke. The purpose of the code is to provide culture aware formatting of dates, times, and numbers specific to the user reading the blog.

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Adding Web User Control To A Class Library In VS.NET 2005

If you’ve started on module development with DotNetNuke 4.0 and above in Visual Studio.NET 2005, you might run into a problem with trying to add a Web User Control (*.ascx file) to a class library.

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Database Maintenance Of Your Blog

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Lately I have been spending a little bit of time performing maintenance tasks on my blog’s SQL Server. I noticed that OdeToCode’s Scott Allen was in the same mood.

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Blog 1099

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I got a 1099 for my blog yesterday. Now that is a weird feeling. Google giveth, the federal government taketh away.

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The Troll Cap

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Troll Cap I love this idea from 37 Signals in handling abusive comments. Rather than simply deleting them, they will take the approach of shaming the abusers with a Troll Cap. Though it is doubtful that those who troll will really feel much shame, at least it serves an educational purpose of teaching others what is considered trolling behavior.

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The Edit And Continue Debate Rages On

Looks like Jeff Atwood is not content to let dead dogs lie when he revisits Edit and Continue.

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Adding Window Onload Events In Javascript

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One common approach to having a script method run when a page loads is to attach a method to the window.onload event like so…

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Adding Mouse Over Row Highlighting To Tables

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Beer and Soccer

Ball There is something really satisfying about having a beer after soccer. Especially when you can sit down with a Newcastle at the computer and blog about it. I’ve heard many marathoners say that a beer after a long run is helpful for replenishing lost carbohydrates. Yeah, that’s the ticket. It’s a health drink!

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Options For Distributed Code Reviews

Screen Showing Code The great thing about being involved in a couple of open source projects is that they provide great opportunities to learn and to teach, especially through the vehicle of code reviews.

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Mysterious Things I Have Eaten

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I love this post by Steve Yi (found via Raymond Chen) concerning the mysterious things he as eaten. It just goes to show you that us asian (and half-asian) brothers can eat some seriously weird crap.

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When Not To Iterate

As a kid, one of my favorite tools I had was a shiny red cased Victorinox swiss army knife. I’d carry that sucker around with me everywhere, using the main blade to tackle nearly every problem like a caveman with a stick. Until one day I sliced my finger trying to stick a paper cup to a tree so we could throw ninja stars at it, but that’s a story for another time.

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Follow Up On My Frustrations With Microsoft Money

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Last month, I wrote about some frustrations I had with Microsoft Money. I am pleased to report that everything has been resolved and I want to take the time to thank members of the Microsoft Money team.

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You Could Hit Eight Level Tonight

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Basement Gamers Video
Screenshot Make some time for this one. This is an eleven minute mockumentary of two hardcore fantasy role playing gamers. If you’ve ever rolled the icosahedron^1^ dice (or live with someone who has), you’ll find this extremely funny, and perhaps painful.

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