Can't Sleep, Feeling Sick, So I Code

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Weird how coding on Subtext relaxes me. For the past couple days I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather and getting worse.  The weird part is that anytime I try and eat something, there’s a terrible after-taste. And no, it’s not my breathe.  I couldn’t finish my pizza tonight.  Pizza!

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Tip For Managing Remote VMWare Server

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Quick tip for you if you need to remotely connect to a server with VMWare Server installed in order to manage the virtual server. 

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A Gotcha Identifying the User's IP Address

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Recently I wrote a .NET based Akismet API component for Subtext.  In attempting to make as clean as interface as possible, I made the the type of the property to store the commenter’s IP address of type IPAddress.

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Structuring Unit Test Code

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UPDATE: I’ve since supplemented this with another approach.

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Tivo For Your Registry

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Icon Ever prolific Jon Galloway has released another tool on our tools site.  When we started the tools site, I talked some trash to spur some friendly competition between the two of us.  Let’s just say Jon is kicking my arse so hard my relatives in Korea can’t sit down.

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Software Development Is A Religion

Jeff Atwood writes a great rebuttal to Steve Yegge’s rant on Agile methodologies.  I won’t expound on it too much except to point out this quote which should be an instant classic, emphasis mine:

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Comment Spam Relief In Subtext Coming Soon

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Personal matters (good stuff) and work has been keeping me really busy lately, but every free moment I get I plod along, coding a bit here and there, getting Subtext 1.9.1 “Shields Up” ready for action.

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Power Tools For Disk Defragmenting

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Disk Defragmenter

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TimeZones Right now, there is no easy way to convert a time from one arbitrary timezone to another arbitrary timezone in .NET.  Certainly you can convert from UTC to the local system time, or from the local system time to UTC. But how do you convert from PST to EST?

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Rolling Your Own Blog Engine

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MySpace Founder Alleges Fraud In Acquisition

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A friend of mine sent me an interesting report that Brad Greenspan, the founder of eUniverse (now Intermix Media) that created and owned issued an online report that the sale of MySpace intentionally defrauded shareholders out of multiple billions of dollars because they hid MySpace revenues from shareholders.

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MIT Animated Physics Sketching

This is a pretty sweet video that demonstrates a system for sketching on a whiteboard using mimio-like projection system.  The instructor draws objects, adds a gravity vector, and then animates his drawings to see the result.

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Change The Display Of A Type In The Debugger

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Keyvan Nayyeri has a great tip for how to control the display of a type in the various debugger windows using a DebuggerTypeProxy attribute.  His post includes screenshots with this in use.

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Better Recruiting Through Blogistry

Alex Papadimoulis, the man behind the ever entertaining (and depressing) TheDailyWTF announces a new business venture to help connect employers fielding good jobs with good developers interested in a career change.  At least that’s the hope.

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How To Pronounce My Last Name

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Great show on .NET Rocks today featuring Rob Conery, architect of the Commerce Starter Kit and SubSonic.

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Optical Character Recognition On The Cheap

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Jon Galloway combines Timesnapper (Tivo for geeks) with the OCR abilities of Microsoft Office Document Imaging (OCR you didn’t realize you owned) and never forgets anything ever again.

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Does Vista Come With An Implicit License To WinXP?

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UPDATE: I could not slip the subtle beg for an MSDN subscription I surreptitiously embedded in this post past my astute readers. Many thanks to James Avery for contributing an MSDN subscription to this grateful developer. Now that I have my MSDN subscription, I say this whole VPC licensing thing is a non-issue and quit whining about it. (I joke, I joke!).

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Better CAPTCHA Through Encryption

I recently wrote about a lightweight invisible CAPTCHA validator control I built as a defensive measure against comment spam.  I wanted the control to work in as many situations as possible, so it doesn’t rely on ViewState nor Session since some users of the control may want to turn those things off.

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Possible Bug With DateTime.Parse?

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UPDATE: I think a good measure of a blog is the intelligence and quality of the comments. This comments in response to this post makes my blog look good (not all do).

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Is Backward Compatibility Holding Microsoft Back

Atlas With The Weight Of The
Codebase I read this article recently that describes the mind frying complexity of the Windows development process.  With Vista sporting around 50 million lines of code, it’s no wonder Vista suffers from delays.  Quick, what does line #37,920,117 say?

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