Don't Be a Validation Nazi
I Knew How To Validate An Email Address Until I Read The RFC
Raise your hand if you know how to validate an email address. For those of you with your hand in the air, put it down quickly before someone sees you. It’s an odd sight to see someone sitting alone at the keyboard raising his or her hand. I was speaking metaphorically.
Read MoreHow Duck Typing Benefits C# Developers
David Meyer recently published a .NET class library that enables duck typing (also sometimes incorrectly described as Latent Typing as Ian Griffiths explains in his campaign to disabuse that notion) for .NET languages.
Read MoreMy Latest Addiction Is Line Rider
Not too long ago, Jeff Atwood lowered the overall productivity of software developers everywhere when he wrote about Desktop Tower Defense, a game that he calls fiendishly addictive.
Read MoreSpeed Up Your Pages And Improve Your YSlow Score With The Coral Content Distribution Network
UPDATE: Using Coral CDN to serve up my images and stylesheets ended up being a mistake and actually slowed down my site. I’d recommend using Amazon S3 instead if you need high bandwidth fast serving of static content. Coral CDN is probably better for cases when you want to serve up a large file (mp3, mpeg, etc…) and save on your bandwidth usage. It doesn’t seem ready to be a general purpose CDN for speeding up your site. I’ll add the ability to this code to use S3. In the meanwhile, this code is still useful by simply restricting the extensions in the config file to perhaps this list “mpg,mp3,mpeg,wmv,avi,zip”. Hat tip to Jon Galloway for pointing that out.
Read MoreWrite Plugins Easily Using The Dynamic Template Plugin For Windows Live Writer
Joe Cheng, member of the Windows Live Writer team, just unveiled his first publicly available Windows Live Writer plugin…
Read MoreMy .NET Rocks Interview Is Now Up
Run, don’t walk, over to .NET Rocks and download their interview with yours truly (as in me, not any other yours truly).
Read MoreArt Of Test WebAii Looks Promising For Testing The Web
A coworker of mine ran into some problems using WATIN to test our website. Specifically issues with Javascript and AJAX. Yes, I know there’s Selenium out there, but I hoped for something we could run from within NUnit/MbUnit, so that it’s nicely and easily integrated into our build process and development environment.
Read MoreAny Recommendations For A Good Place To Get A Drink In Redmond?
I mentioned I’ll be at the Microsoft campus next week. Scott Koon (aka LazyCoder) pinged me about meeting up for a drinky drink and geeky geek conversation and Sunday works best for him.
Read MoreAt The Microsoft Campus Next Week And Other Engagements
Working at a VSIP partner has its
privileges. I’ll be up in Redmond at the Microsoft Campus for a two day
VSIP Partner Meeting on August 5^th^ and August 6^th^. We’ll be
looking at ways to make the Koders Visual Studio plugins provide a great
and well integrated experience.
Cleanup The Crap That Windows Live Writer Injects With This HttpModule
First, let me start off with some praise. I really really like Windows Live Writer. I’ve praised it many times on my blog. However, there is one thing that really annoys me about WLW, it’s utter disregard for web standards and the fact that injects crap I don’t want or need into my content.
Read MoreSecond Annual Contribute to Open Source Day
A year ago on this day, I wrote a blog post about the demise of NDoc and issued a challenge for users of Open Source Software to contribute to their favorite projects.
Read MoreMicrosoft and Open Source
Microsoft just unveiled a new web property intended to clarify its position on Open Source as well as provide a one-stop location to find out what Microsoft is doing in the Open Source space.
Read MoreSecurely Implement ELMAH For Plug And Play Error Logging
ELMAH, which stands for Error Logging Modules and Handlers for ASP.NET, is an open source project which makes it easy to log and view unhandled exceptions via its pluggable architecture.
Read MoreDontcha Wish Your Camera Was Hot Like Mine
A little while back Scott Watermasysk, preparing for the arrival of his first child, asked for advice on finding a really good compact digital camera.
Read More19 Eponymous Laws Of Software Development
One surefire way to sound really really smart is to invoke a law or principle named after some long dead guy (an alive guy is acceptable too, but lacks slightly in smart points).
Read MoreAn Easier Way To See The Rotor Code
A New Blog Design In 4 Hours
When summer arrives, many like to create a new look via a haircut or new threads. I prefer to change the look of my blog with a new design.
Read MoreSubtext Is In The Running. Please Vote.
A little while ago I pleaded with my readers to nominate Subtext for a
SourceForge Community Choice
Open Source On .NET Is Not An Oxymoron
I have a confession.
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