Does the ADO.NET DataTable respect the Order By Clause?

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Can somebody out there point me to a reference that explicitly says whether or not we can count on the underlying order of a DataTable rows to be the same order that is returned by a SQL statement or a Stored Procedure?

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BMD (Breast of Mass Destruction)

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It’s amazing the fallout over the Janet Jackson breast incident.

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An Americon Idol Success Story

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It’s a bit painful to watch. But you gotta love this kid’s attitude. WilliamHung.wmv.

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URL Encoding revisited

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Erik would like to point out that can also be used for url encoding. I still like my trick. It’s faster. However, network tools does have a nice collection of commonly used tools for the web or network programmer.

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Spyware cures may cause more harm

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This is why I always recommend Spybot Search and Destroy.

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Explicit image of the "Sun Shield"

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Datatable as a method parameter

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I’m working with a third party component (I will not name the guilty party) that has a method with the following signature and implementation (with no overrides):

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The new digs

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So what is up with this ugly new site? Basically it is one of those “Oh gawd, a developer is trying to design” designs. It is one of the default designs that comes with a blogging back-end that I am now using. You’ll also notice that my URL is some funky long piece of work with “europe” in it. No, I haven’t moved to europe. My good man Erik pointed me towards free ASP.NET hosting with SQL Server access. I’m trying it out and hosting my blog here. As for the design,don’t worry, it is temporary. I have some underground monkeys working feverishly hard to produce a mind blowing, head splitting, taste bud exciting new design. Some new features to note:

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