The Hard Skills
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 I’ll be giving a talk entitled “Social Coding for Effective Teams and Products” at QCon SF as part of the “Soft Skills” track. If you happen to be in San Francisco at that time, come check it out.
In anticipation of this talk, I recorded a podcast for InfoQ where I pointed out the irony of using the term “soft skills” to describe the track as these are often the most challenging skills we deal with day to day. They are indeed the hard skills of being a software developer.
In the podcast, we also cover what it was like in the early days of ASP.NET MVC as we went from closed source to open source and how far Microsoft has come since then in the open source space.
Afterwards, we talked a bit about Atom and Electron and the community around those products. And to finish the podcast, we gabbed about my transition into management at GitHub, which is something I wrote about recently.
So if you don’t mind hearing my nasally voice, take a listen and let me know what you thought here.
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