This is one of them “coming of age” stories about how a lowly method becomes a full fledged Action in ASP.NET MVC. You might think the two things are the same thing, but that’s not the case. It is not just any method gets to take the mantle of being an Action method.


Like any good story, it all begins at the beginning with Routing. By default, one of the routes defined in the MVC project template has the following URL pattern:

` `


When a request comes in and matches that route, we populate a dictionary of route values (accessible via the RequestContext) based on this route. For example, if a request comes in for:


We add the key “action” with the value “list” to the route values dictionary (We’ve also added “home” as the value for “controller”, but that’s for another story. This is the story of the action.) At the heart of it, an action is just a string. That’s how it starts out after all, as a sub string of the URL.

Later on, when the request is handed of to MVC, MVC interprets the value in the route values for “action” to be the action name. In this case, it knows that the request should be handled by the action “list”. Contrary to popular belief, this does not necessarily mean that a method named List will handle this request,as we’ll soon see.

Action Method Selection

Once we’ve identified the name of the action, we need to identify a method that can respond to that action. This is the job of the ControllerActionInvoker.

By default, the invoker simply uses reflection to find a public method on a class that derives from Controller which has the same name (case insensitive) as the current action.

Like many things within this framework, you can tweak this default behavior.


Introduced in ASP.NET MVC CodePlex Preview 5 which we just released, applying this attribute to a method allows you to specify the action that the method handles.

For example, suppose you want to have an action named View, this would conflict with the View method of Controller. An easy way to work around this issue without having to futz with routing or method hiding is to do the following:

public ActionResult ViewSomething(string id)
  return View();

The ActionNameAttribute redefines the name of this action to be “View”. Thus this method is invoked in response to requests for /home/view, but not for /home/viewsomething. In the latter case, as far as the action invoker is concerned, an action method named “ViewSomething” does not exist.

One consequence of this is that if you’re using our conventional approach to locate the view that corresponds to this action, the view should be named after the action, not after the method. In the above example (assuming this is a method of HomeController), we would look for the view ~/Views/Home/View.aspx by default.

This attribute is not required on an action method. Implicitly, the name of a public method serves as the action name for that method.


We’re not done yet matching the action to a method. Once we’ve identified all methods of the Controller class that match the current action name, we need to whittle the list down further by looking at all instances of the ActionSelectionAttribute applied to the methods in the list.

This attribute is an abstract base class for attributes which provide fine grained control over which requests an action method can respond to. The API for this method is quite simple and consists of a single method.

public abstract class ActionSelectionAttribute : Attribute
  public abstract bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext
    , MethodInfo methodInfo);

At this point, the invoker looks for any methods in the list which contain attributes which derive from this attribute and calls the IsValidForRequest() method on each attribute. If any attribute returns false, the method that the attribute is applied to is removed from the list of potential action methods for the current request.

At the end, we should be left with one method in the list, which the invoker then invokes. If more than one method can handle the current request, the invoker throws an exception indicating the problem. If no method can handle the request, the invoker calls HandleUnknownAction() on the controller.

The ASP.NET MVC framework includes one implementation of this base attribute, the AcceptVerbsAttribute.


This is a concrete implementation of ActionSelectionAttribute which uses the current HTTP request’s http method (aka verb) to determine whether or not a method is the action that should handle the current request.

This allows for having two methods of the same name (different parameters of course) to both be actions, but respond to different HTTP verbs.

For example, we may want two versions of the Edit method, one which renders the edit form, and the other which handles the request when that form is posted.

public ActionResult Edit(string id)
  return View();

public ActionResult Edit(string id, FormCollection form)
  //Save the item and redirect…

When a POST request for /home/edit is received, the action invoker creates a list of all methods of the controller that match the “edit” action name. In this case, we would end up with a list of two methods. Afterwards, the invoker looks at all of the ActionSelectionAttribute instances applied to each method and calls the IsValidForRequest() method on each. If each attribute returns true, then the method is considered valid for the current action.

For example, in this case, when we ask the first method if it can handle a POST request, it would respond with false because it only handles GET requests. The second method responds with true because it can handle the POST request and it is the one selected to handle the action.


One consequence to keep in mind when using helpers which use our routing API to generate URLs is that the parameters for all of these helpers take in the action name,not the method name. So if I want to render the URL to the following action:

public ActionResult ListSomething()

Use “List” and not “ListSomething” as the action name.

<!-- WRONG! -->
<%= Url.Action("ListSomething") %>

<!-- RIGHT! -->
<%= Url.Action("List") %>

This is one reason you’ve seen the MVC team resistant to including helper methods, such as Url<T>(…), that use an expression to define the URL of an action. The action is not necessarily equivalent to a method on the class with the same name.


So in the end, an action is a logical concept that represents an event caused by the user (such as clicking a link or posting a form) which is eventually mapped to a method which handles that user event.

It’s convenient to think of an action as a method of the same name, but they are distinct concepts. A lowly method can become an action by the power of its own name (aka name dropping), but in this egalitarian framework, any method, no matter its name, can handle a particular action, by merely using the ActionNameAttribute.