I Must Be Trustworthy
Jon Galloway has an
on the latest changes to Google’s search algorithms code named “Jagger”
The short and sweet summary is that rather than letting websites “vote” on a page’s relevancy with a link, the trustworthiness of a page is taken into account. For example, a site that has been around longer is potentially considered more trustworthy (assuming it meets other criteria). A page that has incoming links from trustworthy sources is itself more trustworthy.
I had always thought that this was how the PageRank algorithm worked all along. After all, the Google boys original inspiration was the network of citations in academic papers and texts. A citation from a well-cited and trustworthy source boosted the respectability of the cited paper, whereas a citation from a nobody, didn’t account for much.
In the end, I am pretty happy about these changes as my ad-sense revenue has increased lately.
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