Hey you! Yeah I’m talking to you. The one there who has been staring at the screen for several hours straight. Do NOT forget to blink often.

Studies show that staring at a computer monitor causes people to decrease their blink rate. Not only that, but those who stare at a CRT monitor develop a layer of dust on their eyeballs (not sure how much this occurs on LCD monitors). Notice how your screen is always dusty? Think about that grime on your pupils. So definitely blink often.

Also, staring at a single object directly in front of you for a long uninterrupted period of time can cause eye strain. Your eyes need to be worked out. So make sure you take a break to focus on something far away periodically. Seriously. Just stare at something far away. I don’t care if it’s the bum of Sheila (or Stan) in marketing, just do it. Tell them you’re not staring, just working out your eyes and preventing eye strain.

This has been a public service announcement from your friends at Haacked.com. Pass it on.