Git and GitHub Talk in Hawaii!
Next week my wife and I celebrate our tenth anniversary in Oahu with the kids. It’s been a great ten years and I’m just so lucky to have such a wonderful woman and partner in my life along with two deviously great kids.
And what better way to celebrate an anniversary than to give a talk on Git and GitHub for Windows Developers!
UPDATE: Immediately after the talk we’re going to have a drinkup!
Before I go further, I need you to soak in that logo for a minute. At first glance, it looks like it was drawn by a five year old phoning in a homework assignment. But let it wash over you and the awesomeness starts to make itself apparent.
It’s a commission from where you can spend…
$5 for a logo guaranteed to suck
You might even learn something from these logos. For example, if you’ve heard the term “Map Reduce” and you know it’s probably useful but don’t understand what it means. You can thank me later for the following:
But I digress.
This is my first time speaking in Hawaii and I’m excited. I hope this begins a trend of being invited to speak in lush tropical islands.
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